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Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2009


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In the past few years some stores started toys 75% on wednesdays. There have been no reports that I can find of any stores 75% today. Some stores just marked Christmas 90%. Toys will probably go next week. Good luck to all.

I have to work.:( Maybe I can still switch next Thurs for someones Saturday. I just wish this freezing rain would go away.

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It's not gonna happen...

I have a feeling it might at one of my Targets. Of course it has to be the one that's the furthest away but I'm going to check it out in anyway tomorrow. Things have been at 50% there for a while and they went 90% Christmas on Sun so that's stuff is long gone now.

I prob. won't be able to report until 3p.m. though.. (Maybe 1 or 2 at the earliest..)

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Stopped by the Vogel Rd Arnold MO store tonight they had 90% off Christmas but there was only a 3'x3' section with items. Didn't find anything there but infront of the toy section I found a "return" cart that was being restocked from. The young man restocking said, "Go for it." In there I found 5 boxes of cute decorative ornament hangers (curled wire with a crystal bead) .39 each, 27 count Be Jolly mini ornaments - 2 boxes one silver and red the other bright color .49 each, a roll of Wraphia in shades of blue .19, pkg of gift tags in silver & blue .39. Not bad considering I just stopped in for body wash and shampoo. ;)
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Oh! I did have a favor to ask. Since my new job is farther away and no Target is close I was hoping someone in the St. Louis area would keep an eye out for me. I saw a Red Flyer ride on turtle that I would love to get for my grandson's 1st bday. It was only 30% off tonight and that brought the price down to $34. If anyone sees it for 50% or 75% and is willing to grab it for me I would be so grateful and of course meet them somewhere to pick it up and give you something for your trouble.


Please PM me if you are willing to help. Thank you!

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Ok, so can you tell I'm slightly bored and in need of something to do...

Still searching the World Wide Web and I came across thebreakroom.org/forum/

Apparently it's the new forum for Target employees and I was looking through it hoping someone has a slip-up and says something about the Toy sale.

I think I found something but I'm not good at Target lingo so maybe someone can tell me what this person meant..

(It was published on 1/1/2009 by someone with Location: Out west)


- "We still have a lot of Christmas left over. They've set all they can so far in Mini and $ spot, but there's still a ton of clearance left. Toys begins resetting on the 11th...so far away!"



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I dont know if this helps anyone but I was at Target tonight and saw the aisle of 30% off toys...I saw about 3 employees in the area around the toys and when I came back around again I saw one of the end shelving units (on the 30% aisle) all cleared out with 3 scanning guns and a bunch of paperwork. I tried to look at the paperwork by standing inside the aisle but it just had some codes on it that didn't help anything. Maybe it was more markdowns to 30% on the end unit but would they really need 3 guns and 3 employees to do that?


If I had to guess, it looks like they were ready to start marking down tonight but thats just my guess. (this was in Northern California)

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Went back tonight looking for the items that "hide in plain sight"! Found:

2 Scotch Tape dispensers that strap to the back of your hand. .19

1 Command Metal hook 1.19 reg 11.99

2 of the travel sets of Clue and Sorry, for .99 cents reg 9.99

Also some more scotch tape. Seems like you can tell what's seasonal by looking to see if there is a price on the packaging. This was the case on all the 3M products, (Scotch and Command) that I bought.


Toys were messy, not condensed, and still at 30% I'm on the east coast so I'll do my best to report back!

Me and the boo stopped at Target tonight and actually he saw these two penguin mugs in plain sight, so we picked them up-both $0.39 and then in where the guy's ties were, we found one of those "red box" gadgets. It was a projectable time alarm clock for $1.00.


I took notice tonight all you toy momma's that the toys are still 30% off, but we really think they're going 75% tomorrow. SO GET THERE EARLY!!! CHECK THE PUT-BACKS!!!

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OK, so i have a bit of an insider with me, my boyfriend is a manager of CVS and i know for A FACT, that they go 90% on Sunday, January 11th, 2009. So get there when they open (this may vary depending on your location) but get there on sunday and get all they're good holiday things. I know it has nothing to do with Target but I figured it would help some of you who didn't get to the Target 90% . Good night all!
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East Knox Target finally 90% off. Found lots of xmas Choxie (on the regular endcap) along with Pillsbury bake at home style holiday cookies for $0.25 each (they are in the refrigerated case). I told everyone there about the choxie and cookies - they were gone by the time I left! Lots of gift bags and wrap that could be used for any occasion. A few Rudolph stockings for angel tree gifts next year, not much else left. But I did find a holiday Dove chocolates bag in with the regular ones- Yessss!

It is really a hard call as to whether or not someone purposely or accidentally misplaced an item, even with a video camera. I don't have any real hiding spots either, but since I'm usually toting 3 young kids around, I can't tell you how many times I've let them carry something part of the way and then told them to put it back and they put it back on some random shelf or bin in a different dept. And Target itself does this - we have these endcaps way in the back that are filled with all sorts of misc clearance stuff - none of it goes together. I TRY my best to save the workers some time and be polite and put things back where they belong, but hey - it doesn't always happen. And if they want me to be able to concentrate with my 1 year old in the cart, they had better replace all of the broken cart straps, lol!

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I'm putting $20 that the toy clearance goes tomorrow...anyone taking that action? I have a seriously good feeling about it....and may need to postpone that 9:30am appt i have so that I can shop! lol...

Too risky as I'm sending good juju for the 75% off deities to bless us all!!:D

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I called 2 stores tonight about toy clearance. The first store the lady in toys said they just marked them down last night to 30% so probably not again this week. The other store the lady in the toy dept. didn't know what % they were at and had to check, only at 30% and no idea when it would go lower. I guess it didn't hurt to try. I think I'll still go and check myself tomorrow.
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I'm putting $20 that the toy clearance goes tomorrow...anyone taking that action? I have a seriously good feeling about it....and may need to postpone that 9:30am appt i have so that I can shop! lol...

Are you saying this because of your neighbor who happens to work in the toy dept?;)

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It is really a hard call as to whether or not someone purposely or accidentally misplaced an item, even with a video camera. I don't have any real hiding spots either, but since I'm usually toting 3 young kids around, I can't tell you how many times I've let them carry something part of the way and then told them to put it back and they put it back on some random shelf or bin in a different dept. And Target itself does this - we have these endcaps way in the back that are filled with all sorts of misc clearance stuff - none of it goes together. I TRY my best to save the workers some time and be polite and put things back where they belong, but hey - it doesn't always happen. And if they want me to be able to concentrate with my 1 year old in the cart, they had better replace all of the broken cart straps, lol!

I know exactly what you mean. I go shopping with my ds 11/2 and half of the way he eats crackers but when he's done with those I let him carry a Toy and/or something else he sees that he likes. It keeps him occupied for quite a while too... Actually once I almost walked out of the store with him still holding the "Cars" mini box. I already paid the cashier and was walking towards the door when I spotted that thing in his hands (I completely forgot he had it)

There was also another time in ToysRUs when I spotted a toy that my ds3 put in the bottom of her brother's stroller cause I guess she was imitating us shopping... We already walked passed the registers too... I'm affraid one of those days I'll get approached by a security guard wanting to take me away to jail cause my kids are "shoplifting" :)

Maybe my Coach bag will scare them away :) (Got it as a Christmas present for myself - on sale of course :D - I LOVE IT)

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I dont know if this helps anyone but I was at Target tonight and saw the aisle of 30% off toys...I saw about 3 employees in the area around the toys and when I came back around again I saw one of the end shelving units (on the 30% aisle) all cleared out with 3 scanning guns and a bunch of paperwork. I tried to look at the paperwork by standing inside the aisle but it just had some codes on it that didn't help anything. Maybe it was more markdowns to 30% on the end unit but would they really need 3 guns and 3 employees to do that?


If I had to guess, it looks like they were ready to start marking down tonight but thats just my guess. (this was in Northern California)

No, the mark down team leaves by about 3pm everyday. They start at like 5 or 6am. The ones you saw were re-setting the department - putting everything in its new location.

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Ok, so can you tell I'm slightly bored and in need of something to do...

Still searching the World Wide Web and I came across thebreakroom.org/forum/

Apparently it's the new forum for Target employees and I was looking through it hoping someone has a slip-up and says something about the Toy sale.

I think I found something but I'm not good at Target lingo so maybe someone can tell me what this person meant..

(It was published on 1/1/2009 by someone with Location: Out west)


- "We still have a lot of Christmas left over. They've set all they can so far in Mini and $ spot, but there's still a ton of clearance left. Toys begins resetting on the 11th...so far away!"




So this is very weird but in this FORUM they were talking pretty openly about the 90% for Christmas stuff BEFORE that ever took place!

There's this one thread (on pg. 2) called: Christmas - When will it be over (Very interesting reading...)


They even have Toy clearance question which I'm watching but that doesn't really have any usefull info yet...




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Ok, so can you tell I'm slightly bored and in need of something to do...

Still searching the World Wide Web and I came across thebreakroom.org/forum/

Apparently it's the new forum for Target employees and I was looking through it hoping someone has a slip-up and says something about the Toy sale.

I think I found something but I'm not good at Target lingo so maybe someone can tell me what this person meant..

(It was published on 1/1/2009 by someone with Location: Out west)


- "We still have a lot of Christmas left over. They've set all they can so far in Mini and $ spot, but there's still a ton of clearance left. Toys begins resetting on the 11th...so far away!"



That just means that they are going to be putting out the new merchandise. After clearance, they "re-set" the department with a new planogram and new merchandise.


LMAO, though, because 2 years ago I ran across a site called targetunion.org, which was a site like the one you found. I mentioned it on here because they were complaining about customers using a lot of coupons. This was around the time of the great Choxie coupon for those who recall. Anyway, several other people checked it out, joined, made comments, and a flame war developed. Their site ended up closing down as a result of the heavy traffic from the customers flaming them, and a few of them started the site you found. I hadn't thought about it for some time, but when I looked back to see what the timeframe was, I also remembered that Brad trashed most of the stuff off our site. So, let's not go there, again, but it sure was an amusing site to see us from their perspective. Most of the employees who were on that site seemed to be the 16-25 year old male employees. They had a lot of attitudes about women customers....

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That just means that they are going to be putting out the new merchandise. After clearance, they "re-set" the department with a new planogram and new merchandise.


LMAO, though, because 2 years ago I ran across a site called targetunion.org, which was a site like the one you found. I mentioned it on here because they were complaining about customers using a lot of coupons. This was around the time of the great Choxie coupon for those who recall. Anyway, several other people checked it out, joined, made comments, and a flame war developed. Their site ended up closing down as a result of the heavy traffic from the customers flaming them, and a few of them started the site you found. I hadn't thought about it for some time, but when I looked back to see what the timeframe was, I also remembered that Brad trashed most of the stuff off our site. So, let's not go there, again, but it sure was an amusing site to see us from their perspective. Most of the employees who were on that site seemed to be the 16-25 year old male employees. They had a lot of attitudes about women customers....

Yeh..I think I found your threads..and that lead me to this new site. Sorry I didn't know about the issues that followed... I just thought that it was weird that they are so openly discussing these sales (ahead of time) which are supposed to be secret and all!!

But 11th doesn't really leave them much time to go to 75%..

Also why they wouldn't just put a FORUM like that on the Intranet (as opposed to Public Internet) beats me!!!

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Yeh..I think I found your threads..and that lead me to this new site. Sorry I didn't know about the issues that followed... I just thought that it was weird that they are so openly discussing these sales (ahead of time) which are supposed to be secret and all!!

But 11th doesn't really leave them much time to go to 75%..

Also why they wouldn't just put a FORUM like that on the Intranet (as opposed to Public Internet) beats me!!!

Depends if they have to have it completely reset by then or not. They usually end up with 1-2 aisle of toy clearance, and they sometimes use endcaps. The aisles they push it toward tend to be the ones in sporting goods (in most stores) where they will be putting seasonal or transition stuff, so they have a bit of leeway on the timing.

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KC Traderbear,


I will am going to go to the stanley store around 10am tomorrow. I will post what I find out.

Great. I'd love to hear. I am going to be out at Chipman Road in the morning, but I'm certain they won't be marking at the ST out there. Right now, I'm kinda into the Dick's clearance sale and chasing around town to hit those stores, so that's my first stop! Pretty much all I wear is workout clothing, cause when I'm not at Target, I'm at the gym! :D


I'll definitely let you know if they are doing anything in toys out there, but I highly doubt it. Stanly usually goes earlier than a lot of other Targets on most of their markdowns. It's one of the least shopped Targets in the city... or at least it used to be a couple of years ago. There is a list for the city. The other Target that is always on the ball first thing in the morning is Oak Park, so if there are markdowns scheduled, they always get at their markdowns early. ;) Of course one of the dudes that 'runs the gun' can be sort of a pill. This summer during the toy sell off, he would literally leave the aisle, go to the end, cross his arms and stare at all of us who were shopping. (There was only 3 of us at the time.) He just refused to scan anything until we would pass through. It was hysterical. I swear he would have shot us all if his pricing gun had been a real gun!


Good luck tomorrow!

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My car is in the shop! How does this crap ALWAYS happen at the wrong times! I am not even kidding when I tell you that I sprayed my ankle once the night before, I was on bedrest last time, and now I am without a car.


The Target toy gods must hate me!

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I hope it isn't until next week. Right now we have bad weather (blowing and drifting snow), school delays and closings, and my closest store is 25 minutes away. And we're supposed to get 1-3" more tomorrow into Saturday so won't be traveling out of town until maybe Sunday. Next week, deep freeze so who knows. Last night the weather man said this time last year was 66 degrees. I don't remember that at all but it would be nice to have it again. Fat chance. Never made it to any 90% off but did a bit of damage at 75%, and at Walmart and Kroger too so wasn't really sad to miss 90%. Keep those reports coming in:-)
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