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I'm looking again for the Wii fit, Dell cancelled my order :( and I just returned from a trip and now have no wii fit for my daughter. Any ideas?

I got lucky...


My DH and I decided to get my DD the wii fit for her birthday in January because of the difficulty people are having finding them.

Then last Friday I was in Walmart for groceries and I was in the electronics for something else and there was 1...all by itself in the case. I went on about my business. My DH called me and I told him and he said "duh...go back and get it". So I did and it was still there 10 mins later. I figured it was meant to be for Christmas so I got it, and he found the Rockband for DS at Best Buy the same day.

So, now we'll get her Dance Dance Revolution for her b'day instead.


I guess the moral of my story is since it is so close to Christmas people either have it or have given up so go to some Walmarts and Kmarts or Game Stops near you. (My Gamestop here had a bunch of wii's when everyone else in town was out).

I took the recommendation that alot of posters on this site and tried Amazon,you can Amazon automatically text your cell when they get them in stock which is great...worked for me..
Thank you all - We don't have a toys r us here, we have walmart and blockbuster and Game stop all out. Thanks for the info :)

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