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A kids toy laptop that has "word pad"

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Hi I don't have a lot to spend but I am looking for a Kids Learning laptop that has word pad or something where he can type out words on it. It would be for a autistic child that just surprised his mom that he can type and talk to her! Does anyone know if there is a toy one out there like this?
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http://www1.alphasmart.com/products/neo_In.html this is 219.00 so kind of expensive but it's what my son's ed tech uses at school with him. I thought maybe I could find a deal on a word processor but no such luck so far they're all over 200 =( My son is verbal but some of the other autistic kids use word magnets on the fridge to communicate if you thought that might help.. just a suggestion. There are some here for $17.00 to $30.00 http://www.kidtronic.com/mywordmagnets/shop/shop.php?categoryid=2&page=0&rand=bXzCQOBs
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I've been looking for the same thing but haven't come across one. How AWESOME that your child can talk to you this way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not my son but a friends son. But Awsomeeeeeeeeeee the same. I also have a autisic child however mine is also blind. He started expressing him self 2 years ago and now answers questions and talks to us at times! What a blessing it is when our children are finally able to tell us " I love you mom!"

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