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Need help with Rude Guest


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Desperate times call for desperate measures;


Tell your DH that he has to tell them that they are not invited and or they can not stay for 4days and if he doesn't do it you will be cutting him off from any lovin until after the holidays.


Tell the family that you came down with the flu and it just isn't possible for them to stay.


Send them a list of hotels in the area complete with prices and contact information.



Good luck!

We had a big fight about it this morning. I'm so tired of this crap. :(

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Thank you everyone for your suggestions. :)


I hope I do not sound awful but after packing 1/4 of a 30 pd turkey, mash, sweet potato, turnip, veggies, rolls, hors d'oeuvres, dessert with a weigh in total of about 20 pds (estimate) I thought it would be enough LOL :gdlicklips: I guess I will just have to make double what I normally do and have her back up her mini van so it can loaded after :D

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In my family taking home food is an automatic thing...actually it's encouraged! But I guess the best you can do is just pack what you can and hopefully they will not make a huff about it. It's the holidays why start drama. lol


Btw I'm new and I'm loving this forum!

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I gave up long time ago on familys being respectful. I do finger foods now at Christmas and thats it. No one cares to take cheese and crakers home. (HA HA) ANd we go out to eat for Thanksgiving. I cook for my ds7 ds10 and dh on Sunday after Thanksgiving(Turkey and all the trimmings. Works out well cause can't be to full on BF.
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