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I was hoping for some good ideas/suggestions from you all.

I had a vinyl fence put up this summer that goes around my backyard and up the sides of my house--kind of like the letter U. So you see about 8 feet of fence on each side of the house when you look at my home.

It kind of looks blank and white.... but the one side has a "door" aka, gate.


What would you do with the "blank canvas"?

Nothing at all ?

Garland/Garland and lights?

Set medium/big figures or something in front of it?


I think it could look very nice--if done right--keeping costs low of course.

I mean the white fence is surely to reflect the lights very well.


ALSO HOW Would you ATTACH the decorations, so as not to leave marks on the fence.

They make these large vinyl scenes that you can apply to walls for Christmas I've seen a few different ones. Like one is Santa, a fireplace a tree you know the typical room setup. You could apply one of those (they are big and long meant to be a full sized wall size) and then spruce it u more with garland and lights to set it off even better.
At my last house we had a fence like yours. Whay we did was drape garland with lights from one post to the other. At the posts we put one year large red bows, another year we put large burgundy bows. We preferred the burgundy bows.
  racerfan said:

At my last house we had a fence like yours. Whay we did was drape garland with lights from one post to the other. At the posts we put one year large red bows, another year we put large burgundy bows. We preferred the burgundy bows.

Yes I agree with you, the front of my house gets alot of sun, and my red bows have turned ORANGY in the past...so I get the burgundy too. ;) Thanks, I am just not sure what to do about the gate if I do decide to do this.... My DH isn't so careful and we use this gate about 3-4 x a week during the winter, but I don't want him wrecking the garland..

Then again if I don't hang it infront of the gate, it'll look funny....


*PS if that is your doggy, it is very cute!

  allshoppedout said:

Yes I agree with you, the front of my house gets alot of sun, and my red bows have turned ORANGY in the past...so I get the burgundy too. ;) Thanks, I am just not sure what to do about the gate if I do decide to do this.... My DH isn't so careful and we use this gate about 3-4 x a week during the winter, but I don't want him wrecking the garland..

Then again if I don't hang it infront of the gate, it'll look funny....


*PS if that is your doggy, it is very cute!

What we did with our gate was make it separate so we could still open it to get into the back yard. The gate was at the end connected to the house. Hope it helps.


Thanks for the compliment. That is my Yorkie at about 5 months old. He is now 13 months and his hair is a lot longer.


My entire back yard is a 6' white vinyl fence (lattice on top).


I usually just decorate the sides coming out on either side of my house (viewable from road). I do the green garland and bows. No lights on them though.

Posted (edited)

Thank you all very much for your suggestions.

I was 98% sure I was doing the garland and bows. Infact I was looking at the lighted garland that Target had on sale...but decided to wait, thinking I could get a better deal.

When going over to Walgreens I found these SNOWFLAKE lights on a string of 9 feet -should be PERFECT length, one on either side of the fence that faces the street.

(I am not going all the way around the entire fence)

The boxes say there is 1 snowflake per string that hangs down and they are at varying lengths. *This is the box in the Walgreen ad http://walgreens.shoplocal.com/walgreens/Default.aspx?action=browsepagesingle&storeid=2560503&rapid=612845&pagenumber=12 (bottom right side of page under pink box)


When my kids are at school tomorrow I am going to open them and try putting on the fence and see how it looks (although I'd rather see them at night).

Not sure what to attach with....

If they look good it'll have only cost me $15 dollars, probably less than the lighted garland and bows.

If I don't like it, I am going with garland and bows.

Edited by allshoppedout
adding pic link

Well I tried my snowflake lights. Just plugged them in and then held them up. :holiday10

Still not sure what I want to hang/attach them with yet, have to look in the isle that has that stuff in the store. I don't want a bunch of marks on the vinyl.

They look very nice. :banana01:. Fence is a little wider than I thought so they don't stretch allll the way but they will be fine.

(I don't need an entire extra string, so I shall leave it at one string per side.)

I will just put a small :holiday03 on the gate with a bow. Very excited and I didn't have to spend alot! :holiday16

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