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DD wants a Panda Webkins for her birthday on 10/20. I need to know where I should look for these. They have them on Limited Too website but I don't want to pay for the S/H if I can find locally, but if I am going to order online and have here for her b'day I need to order soon! TIA
My DD9 has several...but the Panda is her fav. too! His name is Noah and he goes everywhere with us. Eats breakfast, has a bath, gets dressed (in his own Webkinz clothes).....drives me crazy sometimes!!!:rolleyes:

funny you should mention the Panda, my dd and I just picked one up yesterday from Justice for $5.90. Or if you want, I can grab you one and send it to you. PM me and let me know.

sent you a PM


hallmarks will have them and webkinz.com has a store locate feature


Dont believe the Panda is retired (they retire them so fast anymore i could have missed it though) so most places should have an unretired pet

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