josetann Posted September 17, 2008 Posted September 17, 2008 Yeah, I borrowed most of the title from the tent thread. Got me to thinking though. We bought a bus that we're converting to an RV (most of it is already done, it started life as a bookmobile so it has heat, a/c, lights, generator, etc.). I've done the whole camping out in a tent thing. I've also tried having a robot hold our place in line (it didn't like the cold, but did manage to hold our place just long enough for us to thaw out in the car). So I figure, why not try to take the RV if it's halfway ready? If no one minds the generator, we can have a projector use the side of the RV as a screen and play some christmas movies. We'd have enough power for some electric heaters for us and others (we still plan on bringing a tent or four). Food and bathrooms wouldn't be an issue. Plus the stuff we're planning on buying would be mostly for the RV anyways (an lcd tv or two from Best Buy, some small kitchen appliances from Wal-Mart, etc.). Plus, taking an RV would allow for us to get in line even earlier. We can have Thanksgiving dinner in the Best Buy parking lot! Seating may be a bit cramped, I'm sure the in-laws would complain (but they'd complain about having to drive to see us anyways), but I think it could be fun. We'd also be able to stay in where it's nice and warm until the line formed behind us, which could be anywhere from Wednesday night to Thursday afternoon (a few years ago I could show up past midnight on Friday and have a decent spot, last year we went right after Thanksgiving dinner and didn't get a thing). Sound like a plan, or a lost cause?
bigjimslade Posted September 17, 2008 Posted September 17, 2008 Welcome to the community! Your idea sounds great but I think you need to do some checking before you put it into motion. First I would check with the city you re planning on going to. Many cities have ordinances and codes about where RVs can go. Like in Richardson, Texas you cant have them parked in parking lots for more then 2 hours and cant have them in front of your home. Most cities have rules on the books so I would call code enforcement for the city you plan to shop in. After you find out it is legal to do so then I would check with your local Best Buy manager. Remember that the parking lots are private property and the store or the property owner may not allow you to park your RV. Also remember that BF is a very big shopping day and parking spots are valuable. The BB manager may not want you to take up several spots to park your RV. So be prepared to be asked to park it off site. I have to get special permission to park my rented port a potty each year which only takes up one space. We'd also be able to stay in where it's nice and warm until the line formed behind us, which could be anywhere from Wednesday night to Thursday afternoon (a few years ago I could show up past midnight on Friday and have a decent spot, last year we went right after Thanksgiving dinner and didn't get a thing). I would count on the lines forming early this year and earlier then you might think. BF has changed 200% since a few years ago and the lines are forming early each year. Maybe the RV might not do you any good. I wish you all the best and do some checking like I said before BF.
dad2trips Posted September 17, 2008 Posted September 17, 2008 I had some thoughts about parking my 27' travel trailer in BB lot as well. I was going to talk to the manager about it. Would not be able to get it out of the lot though till probably after they close Friday evening. So I am not to crazy about that. I think people in line would get a bit pissed as well if me and my fellow shoppers were spending more time in the camper than in line. Being in a tent is different since it is right there in line. Let us know if you pursue it. I will probably stick with my trusty tent/canopy setup. Tim
cassgurlie04 Posted September 18, 2008 Posted September 18, 2008 IF THEY LET YOU DO THIS YOU WOULD BE THE MOST ADORED BF SHOPPER OUT THERE LOL:cheesy:
pmdemey Posted September 19, 2008 Posted September 19, 2008 Good idea if your not taking up valuable parking spots.
dad2trips Posted September 19, 2008 Posted September 19, 2008 Good idea if your not taking up valuable parking spots.Even the smallest of RVs take up 2 plus spaces.
bigjimslade Posted September 19, 2008 Posted September 19, 2008 I would say a RV is just overkill and not worth it.
dessenma Posted September 21, 2008 Posted September 21, 2008 I can't speak for BB, but Wal Mart allows campers and motor homes to camp in their parking lots. (I believe Cracker Barrels do also) I have seen this many places.
josetann Posted September 21, 2008 Author Posted September 21, 2008 I can't speak for BB, but Wal Mart allows campers and motor homes to camp in their parking lots. (I believe Cracker Barrels do also) I have seen this many places.Most Wal-Marts allow it. Some don't because there's a local law against it (though they probably wouldn't make you leave, if the cops were bored they may come by); I can't find any such law where I'd most likely be going. What I'd probably do is show up shortly after closing Wednesday night and set up camp. Could park either in the very front rows or even in the regular lane so I'm not taking up parking spots (hear me out, I'm not leaving it there!). Once the line starts growing exponentially and/or I'm asked to move (I'm thinking around the time tickets are about to be handed out) I'll move the RV to the very back of the parking lot, out of courtesy and necessity. May even park it in the Rafferty's parking lot just across the street, then I'd have a straight shot to the little road in between the parking lots, right to a traffic light, then I can attempt to get out. Since you brought up Wal-Mart, I figure I could also wait until the tickets are passed out, then make sure there's at least one person holding our place in line. Drive the RV and a car over to Wal-Mart, park out of the way, then drive back over (Wal-Mart's less than a mile away). Shop at BB, hit another store or two, then hit Wal-Mart, and attempt to maneuver a 40ft vehicle through Black Friday traffic.
wx4svr Posted September 21, 2008 Posted September 21, 2008 Wha!?! This kills the idea of Black Friday! Why wouldn't you want to wait out in the cold, bundled up, and using a cell phone for light!? Thats the best part about BF! I kid ... I kid. Good idea, I don't have a clue though. I'm one of the idiots that are outside of BestBuy at 6 PM Thursday night when your local TV Station (if your like me and live in a bigger city .. Louisville, KY) comes around and asks what are you doing here. Ahh... gotta love that question.
josetann Posted September 21, 2008 Author Posted September 21, 2008 Wha!?! This kills the idea of Black Friday! Why wouldn't you want to wait out in the cold, bundled up, and using a cell phone for light!? Thats the best part about BF! I kid ... I kid. Good idea, I don't have a clue though. I'm one of the idiots that are outside of BestBuy at 6 PM Thursday night when your local TV Station (if your like me and live in a bigger city .. Louisville, KY) comes around and asks what are you doing here. Ahh... gotta love that question.Again, I do plan on being out in a tent once people start lining up behind us. Then again, it's always been laid back at the Best Buy I plan on going to, only time anyone kept a list of who was there and tried to limit breaks was for the PS3. Otherwise people take turns all the time, have one person in line and another person (or more) in the vehicle staying warm. Only difference here is our vehicle would have a nice queen bed, two twin bunk beds, bathroom, microwave, fridge, etc. Hey, at least we won't be able to watch TV unless we're outside (we only have a projector that could be used, not enough space inside for that, but plans are to come out of Best Buy with a small lcd tv or two). Now the real question is, how much should I charge people to use the bathroom?
wx4svr Posted September 21, 2008 Posted September 21, 2008 Now the real question is, how much should I charge people to use the bathroom?Ding Ding Ding Ding!!!! BIG QUESTION HAS COME OUT! They will pay just to come in and warm up. lol. Trust me, you could make some cash! :cheesy:
bigjimslade Posted September 21, 2008 Posted September 21, 2008 What I'd probably do is show up shortly after closing Wednesday night and set up camp.Wednesday night after closing you will already have a line. By closing Wednesday night at my BB there were already 100 people in line and by 7am on Thanksgiving morning there was around 400 people in line. I just checked with my source at BB and they said they will close at 11pm local time on Wednesday. Now the real question is, how much should I charge people to use the bathroom?A buck a dump. That is what I charged people last year for my port a potty. I also sold memberships for $10.00 a person or $20.00 for a tent.
happysunshine28 Posted September 21, 2008 Posted September 21, 2008 My question about using an RV, will you be in line? Shoot cant anyone go up to a line and say I'm here go back to their toasty car and stay there until right before store opens. That just seems that that would open up the door to people getting there right before the store opens and saying I was here but in my car, thinking they could jump the line. I have never camped out so I might be missing something but actually having a tent set up and you being physically in line the entire time would be better, of course not as comfortable though.
bigjimslade Posted September 21, 2008 Posted September 21, 2008 My question about using an RV, will you be in line? Shoot cant anyone go up to a line and say I'm here go back to their toasty car and stay there until right before store opens. That just seems that that would open up the door to people getting there right before the store opens and saying I was here but in my car, thinking they could jump the line. I have never camped out so I might be missing something but actually having a tent set up and you being physically in line the entire time would be better, of course not as comfortable though.From my understand on the OP he wants the RV there so he can stay comfy until the line forms but if he is going to get there after close on Wednesday night. From the reports last year and at my BB there were already tons of people in line by 11pm on Wednesday.
josetann Posted September 21, 2008 Author Posted September 21, 2008 Ding Ding Ding Ding!!!! BIG QUESTION HAS COME OUT! They will pay just to come in and warm up. lol. Trust me, you could make some cash! :cheesy:Years past when we had those little propane heaters I always brought extra. The couple times we had a little stove (had to borrow it, don't have one for ourselves) I'd just leave it going full blast and let someone warm up with it. I've also tried to hand out free hand/foot warmers, but just don't get many takers. Also don't get many takers on the free hot cocoa, at least until someone risks it and they realize it's not poisoned (hrm, ex-lax hot chocolate would help clear out the line some though). Anyways, I wouldn't charge anyone just to warm up. I plan on having as many electric heaters as I can scrounge together (probably 3-4) and have them running off the generator.
josetann Posted September 21, 2008 Author Posted September 21, 2008 Wednesday night after closing you will already have a line. By closing Wednesday night at my BB there were already 100 people in line and by 7am on Thanksgiving morning there was around 400 people in line. I just checked with my source at BB and they said they will close at 11pm local time on Wednesday. A buck a dump. That is what I charged people last year for my port a potty. I also sold memberships for $10.00 a person or $20.00 for a tent.Might as well give out the two locations we're contemplating. First is in Clarksville, TN. Would be a long drive, but the RV may already be nearby (my dad's agreed to help with the plumbing, so either I take it to him or he drives to us, if I drive it to him next month I'll just leave it at his house). Two years ago on Thanksgiving I ate lunch at a regular time, relaxed, looked at the ads (even though I already knew what was there), headed over to my dad's to pick up my sister (she started camping out in front of stores at 11 years old), and I would guess we were at Best Buy around 6pm or so. Weren't too far back in line, could have gotten any ticket we wanted. Second place I'm looking at is the one nearest us in Chattanooga (actually it's in Hixson, same county though). Last year we had Thanksgiving at our new house, ate, had to pull someone out who got stuck (family station wagon pulling out a big pickup truck, wish I had pics), then left around 3pm. With it taking about an hour to get there, plus the timezone difference, it was 5pm their time. We were so far back that we weren't in front of the store, and weren't able to get the tickets we wanted. At any rate, had we been there Wednesday night, we would have been one of the first in line. As for "A buck a dump", that's catchy! I was only half-joking about charging people, but I definitely wouldn't let everyone go for free. I'm thinking it might seem rude if I didn't share though. Since I'm going to have to take care of the disposal, I definitely wouldn't want to do it for free. I'll think about it.
josetann Posted September 21, 2008 Author Posted September 21, 2008 My question about using an RV, will you be in line? Shoot cant anyone go up to a line and say I'm here go back to their toasty car and stay there until right before store opens. That just seems that that would open up the door to people getting there right before the store opens and saying I was here but in my car, thinking they could jump the line. I have never camped out so I might be missing something but actually having a tent set up and you being physically in line the entire time would be better, of course not as comfortable though.I will be bringing a tent. What I'm wondering though is if all of us need to stay in the tent the whole time, or if we could just have one person in the tent holding our spot. That's what seems to be pretty common, at least around here. People take turns warming up, so one person stays in the cold and one or more stay in the car. Most take turns, some just stay in the car the whole time (while the unlucky one stays out in the cold holding their spot). Doesn't bother me, I'm always well-prepared. I'd be in the tent (or possibly the RV this year) nice and warm, they can be in the car nice and warm, long as someone's holding their place in line. It'd only bother me if someone was staying outside holding a spot in line for people who are at home snoozing.
bigjimslade Posted September 21, 2008 Posted September 21, 2008 As for "A buck a dump", that's catchy! I was only half-joking about charging people, but I definitely wouldn't let everyone go for free. I'm thinking it might seem rude if I didn't share though. Since I'm going to have to take care of the disposal, I definitely wouldn't want to do it for free. I'll think about it.The way I see it is you have to the right charge. You have to pay to get it dumped. I had a key lock on my port a potty and told people I got it for my comfort. The nearest restroom was down the service road. I did make profit on the potty.
josetann Posted September 21, 2008 Author Posted September 21, 2008 The way I see it is you have to the right charge. You have to pay to get it dumped. I had a key lock on my port a potty and told people I got it for my comfort. The nearest restroom was down the service road. I did make profit on the potty.Even if I didn't have to pay to get it dumped (which I might have to, not a lot of places nearby that allow free dumping), I'd still have to actually take the time to dump out their, um, dumping. I've thought some more, and I think the best thing to do is to keep silent about it. If someone asks if they can use it, tell them it's a buck per person. If they seem upset, then explain that there's no free dumping stations around, what I have to do to empty the tanks, and that if I didn't charge anything that the tank would be full within hours and where would that leave us? Edit: Just realized...the ex-lax hot chocolate idea would have a dual purpose. Clear out the lines and many repeat potty customers!
happysunshine28 Posted September 21, 2008 Posted September 21, 2008 Oh I see now. If it doesnt work out with RV you could always get a gazibo and put up tarp walls and have a propane heater in there to keep warm. (Make sure you have a vent on top for fumes to get out) As for charging for using potty, heck yeah charge other people to use it, even if it didnt cost to dump it, its your restroom. If I was there I would gladly pay to use it, plus you would make a killing off me I use it alot, lol. Think about it, it would probably cost more than $1 to start up your car and drive to a service station.
lwildey Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 I have seen RVs in a Walmart lot but never a Best Buy or anything like that. As far as using an RV to wait in a BF line I am going to go with my stance on the people that sit in their cars, I you aren't in the line all night toughing it out the you aren't really in line you are just watching the line and as far as I am concerned you can go to the end of the line. Unless of course you can find a way to park the rv on the stores front side walk and then I guess you would be physically in line like the tent guys.
mamapenguin Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 A hunting tent? With a woodstove? Hmmmmmmm.
josetann Posted September 25, 2008 Author Posted September 25, 2008 As far as using an RV to wait in a BF line I am going to go with my stance on the people that sit in their cars, I you aren't in the line all night toughing it out the you aren't really in line you are just watching the line and as far as I am concerned you can go to the end of the line. Unless of course you can find a way to park the rv on the stores front side walk and then I guess you would be physically in line like the tent guys.At least around here, people don't mind if you take turns warming up in your vehicle, as long as someone's holding your place in line the majority of the time (being gone for 30 minutes or so to run to the restroom or get a bite to eat has also been acceptable).
lwildey Posted September 26, 2008 Posted September 26, 2008 At least around here, people don't mind if you take turns warming up in your vehicle, as long as someone's holding your place in line the majority of the time (being gone for 30 minutes or so to run to the restroom or get a bite to eat has also been acceptable).I agree with the idea of being able to leave the line for a bathroom break or even warm up in the car for a few minutes but I often see people sitting in the cars or worse yet sleeping in bed all night and then jump in line with their buddies that were "holding " their place. That is what gets me. I wish that the stores would or could help with this but I know there isn't much that could be done here. If you are patiently sitting there in the line for 90+% of the time I am ok with the need for an occasional break. The problem here is that the RV really can't be in the line so I would have to say that more than likely you would be spending more time in the RV than in line so to me this is not right.
josetann Posted September 26, 2008 Author Posted September 26, 2008 I agree with the idea of being able to leave the line for a bathroom break or even warm up in the car for a few minutes but I often see people sitting in the cars or worse yet sleeping in bed all night and then jump in line with their buddies that were "holding " their place. That is what gets me. I wish that the stores would or could help with this but I know there isn't much that could be done here. If you are patiently sitting there in the line for 90+% of the time I am ok with the need for an occasional break. The problem here is that the RV really can't be in the line so I would have to say that more than likely you would be spending more time in the RV than in line so to me this is not right.Think of the RV just like a regular vehicle. We'll have a tent. If others in line are taking turns, i.e. only one person stays out while others stay in their vehicle, then I won't feel bad doing the same thing. Since it has a generator, we can use it to power some heaters to be used outside, a tv, and other stuff. If no one's holding a place in line for others to warm up in their car, then we'll do that too (someone will have to stay in if our son comes along, but we'll just have one person in our group not get tickets, they'll be staying in the RV anyways during the stampede when the doors open). So in essence, we wouldn't be cheating any more than others in line with regards to staying out in the cold, and will be more than willing to share some heaters, let others watch our tv if it doesn't bother them (if it does, we'll keep it off and the generator too if need be), free hot cocoa, a cheap bathroom (which we won't advertise), etc. It'd be great if we could get a bunch of friends to come along, but don't think that'll happen.
dad2trips Posted September 26, 2008 Posted September 26, 2008 Wednesday night after closing you will already have a line. By closing Wednesday night at my BB there were already 100 people in line and by 7am on Thanksgiving morning there was around 400 people in line.I got in line last year at my BB 4 AM Thursday morning. I was first and it was not till about 11 AM that maybe 10 people were in line.
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