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IBM ThinkPad ...

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I'm looking for the best (cheapest) place to purchase an IBM ThinkPad. (Preferably in Canada, but I can also get it shipped to the USA if necessary.)


As far as the model goes, my only required specs are:


512mb RAM

1.6ghz CPU minimum

wireless b/g (bluetooth would be nice)

20gb drive (I don't really need anything bigger..)

14.1" maximum lcd size

Must be UNDER 4.5 pounds.


My key goal here is portability, so I need something small and light.


I'm comparing this to a Fujitsu Lifebook 6231. I like the IBM thinkpads better ONLY because they have the red fingerpointy thing in the keyboard. I currently have an older thinkpad and I love that.



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I'm now finally at the point where I have to make a decision.. lol. Been putting this off for months! I think this place is the best place I've ever seen to get deals and "pointed" in the right direction, so I figured it's worth a shot.


Either way, in all my various posts on the net to look for things I've posted about 6 different people here to find deals. Hopefully you're making some $$ of them! :) (They were all looking for dell's, and that's your specialty!)

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I think it would be a good idea to physically see a Fujitsu laptop in person before purchasing it.


I'll do some digging for you over the next few days to attempt to find some retailers near Vancouver who sell those.

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Guest Unregistered

I think it would be a good idea to physically see a Fujitsu laptop in person before purchasing it.


I'll do some digging for you over the next few days to attempt to find some retailers near Vancouver who sell those.

Thanks Ross! I was able to feel/touch a fujitsu 6231 lifebook when I was at Fry's a while ago. (That's where I first saw the fujitsu and started looking into them.) However, I've never touched one that has the little finger pointer thingy.


My problem is that I'm so used to the IBM keyboard layout and scroll wizbang system that I've almost convinced myself anything "less" just won't be good. But.. I know I can get a better laptop if I go with the fujitsu. (By "better" I mean more power, memory, features, etc..)


So if I go with an IBM I'd basically be spending more just for the keyboard/layout.

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I'm going to confuse you a little more perhaps, but you should consider the Fujitsu S7020 which is due to be released at the end of June, if you can wait. I have been researching these A LOT, with weight a primary consideration here as well. The T42 (or the new T43) is, in reality, 5.5 pounds if you use the extended life battery (8 cell) and have the optical drive in. You have to be careful with weights, because the vendors quote weights with minimum configurations, and with a plastic cover in place rather than the optical drives~so you really have to determine what the real weight is. With the battery and the optical drive in, the Fujitsu will be 4.15 pounds. It will have the touchpad, pointing stick and a scroll feature for the touchpad between the left and right mouse click buttons. Pricewise I think it will come out a little better than the IBM's can be purchased for even with a great deal, and has a 14.1" screen like the IBM, versus the !3.3" of the 6231. The S series has gotten really good reviews in a lot of places; personally, for features/screen size/weight, I think you should consider it if you can wait another month. The screens on the Fujitsus are really well rated too. Don't get me wrong, I bought a T42 last year for my other daughter, because IBM is -well- IBM, but she is not taking it with her daily, and my younger daughter will be, and she has a significant history of back problems, which is why I researched everything to the ounce and, of course, if you are going to be using it a lot, the larger screens are certainly nicer to have. Hope this helps.
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