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4GB ZUNE pink, black or red, $109.99 Sears.com


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MY DS12 and DH both have Zune. I got them the big one (I think 30gb)that was on sale late last year for Christmas. Both love it. It is easy to use. Only downfall my DS says is that is big, but he can load so much on it. I am getting the pink one for DD9 for her birthday in August. Then they all will have Zunes except for me. Maybe I should p/u one for myself too.:D
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The zunes are really nice, most of my family have them. I thought the 30g was too big physically so I gave it to a brother. I'm on a little nano, but if the 4g zune had been this price when I got the nano, I probably would have gotten another zune.
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