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i tunes gc help

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ok so im looking for suggestions.. my son got a 50.00 i tunes gift card from my sister and her husband. so i asked for the recipt so i can take it back as he wont be able to use this. no problem they mail it to me.. im reading it, says right on it cant return phone cards or gift cards. that is just wrong. i understand how my son got the gift. nice of them to think of him.. but now what do i do . i called wawa the girl was clueless offered me the 800 number to wawa. and was like umm ohh ummmm . this was my conversation with her..brain dead. help any ideas .. my sister doesnt have 50.00 to throw away and i would hate to see this go to wast.
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humm that is a idea.. no he wont down load. he has what he wants already, see my sister was running short of gifts and the card was for someone else as she put it to me .. so she moved some gifts arround to make it easy for her. which is fine.. i just dont understand why u cant return it if you have a recipt and u paid cash and have not used it. makes no sense.. then again i guess that is why i dont do gc lol... the ebay thing might work.. he loves to shop on there lol i might try that thanks
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My daughters (5 & 6) received gift cards to Aeropostale for Christmas. Since they aren't able to wear clothes from there I e-mailed some friends to see if anyone was interested in either trading or buying the gift cards. I was able to unload the gcs for face value within 30 minutes of sending out the e-mail. Maybe you could try something like that?


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wow... we can trade on here?? lol lmao gosh im so new to this lol .. regift is also another i dea .. but then i have to come up with a gift for him. and im trying not to do that . as im spent lol.. i do like the idea of trade and selling on craigs list. but craigs list and i are not getting along .. i have offered so many things on there and noone shows up. i have two items on there right now. and well its been a wk .was giving someone my dryer. said they were coming yesterday gave all my info no show. and to think i was selling it and offered it to this person for free. anyway bad topic lol wow u guys are so good to me. thanks
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wow... we can trade on here?? lol lmao gosh im so new to this lol .. regift is also another i dea .. but then i have to come up with a gift for him. and im trying not to do that . as im spent lol.. i do like the idea of trade and selling on craigs list. but craigs list and i are not getting along .. i have offered so many things on there and noone shows up. i have two items on there right now. and well its been a wk .was giving someone my dryer. said they were coming yesterday gave all my info no show. and to think i was selling it and offered it to this person for free. anyway bad topic lol wow u guys are so good to me. thanks

Under deal finder there is a category, request, trade or give you can ask for a trade. Good luck.

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