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  1. Thank you! I was finally able to get this!
  2. The one on Amazon won't ship for 1 to 2 months. What is the difference between that one and the Sparkle & Twirl Mermaid Dora? I saw that one on Walmart's website on clearance for $10.
  3. Through 12/18 free shipping on orders over $50 with code HY8FSA.
  4. Thank you, I buy two calendars every year and this was a huge help!
  5. First thank you to your husband and to your family for your sacrifice. I know it isn't easy. While I do not know of any current deals, definitely check military.com for places that offer a military discount. I know Apple does, but I'm unsure of what the discount rate is. We've purchased computers from Sam's before that were very reasonable and were decent machines (emachine brand). Most lappies that are made today are able to use a wireless router. And I second the above comment about sharing internet access. My dh was activated for 2 years (stateside) and shared internet access with several other soldiers to cut down on the cost. Hope you find a fabulous deal! :)
  6. I don't know about Jif, but there was a coupon in the paper for $1.00 off Peter Pan peanut butter and several places have this on sale this week. Our local store had it for .88 cents! So, with my $1.00 off coupon, it was a money maker!
  7. Ooh... I would have been :mad: *hot! :mad: I would for sure talk to someone about that. People who don't know how to act really should find jobs where they don't have to deal with people. Really.
  8. The powerball tabs are the ones I use as well.
  9. Sorry these don't work for you. This is my normal brand, so to be able to get them at .41 each - wahoo!! :)
  10. Does it come from a smoke free home? hehe - I couldn't help it.
  11. Really, that is one of the funniest things I've read in a very long time. I would have wanted to do the same thing, but would have chickened out. Guess I shoulda been born in Mississippi! :)
  12. So excited I got 5 papers! Thanks for the heads up!
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