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Game Stop to Sell Wii Rain Checks


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By PETER SVENSSON, AP Technology Writer

2 hours, 52 minutes ago




NEW YORK - To deal with frustration among holiday shoppers hunting for its Wii game console, Nintendo Co. and retailer GameStop Corp. are launching a rain check program.




"We expect this to be a great way for consumers who desperately want a Wii to have something to put under the tree," Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime said Friday.


The rain checks will be available at the regular Wii system price, $249.99, on Dec. 20 and 21, and will entitle buyers to get the Nintendo console before Jan. 29. Fils-Aime said "many tens of thousands of rain checks" would be available.


GameStop regularly takes deposits on hot software titles before they launch, which means it has the infrastructure to deal with rain check program, Fils-Aime said. The company is working with other retailers, like Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and Best Buy Co., to push out inventory from the supply chain to shelves as quickly as possible before Christmas, he added.


The Wii has been a startling success for the Japanese company, selling more than 6 million units in the U.S. since it was launched a little over a year ago. In November alone, 981,000 were sold in the U.S., according to NPD Group. That compares to 770,000 Microsoft Xbox 360s sold, and 466,000 Sony PlayStation 3s.


However, Wii sales have been constrained by supply, with units selling out minutes after going on store shelves. Nintendo has repeatedly denied rumors that it's creating an artificial shortage by not increasing production to match demand.


"I get personal calls from people wanting to know why we don't just manufacture more. Believe me, if it were that easy, we would," Fils-Aime told reporters and analysts on a conference call Friday.


"Production depends on components from a wide array of suppliers. If only one can't increase their capacity, then we can't increase ours," the executive said.


After Nintendo raised production twice since April, production for the worldwide market is now at 1.8 million Wiis a month. Fils-Aime held out no hope of an imminent increase.


"We'll keep producing at that level for quite a while," he said. "When will we finally meet demand? There is no way to answer that question until we finally meet it."




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o so glad(sorta) to see someone else think GS is a bunch of idiots...we preordered a game that was pushed back 4 times(not their fault but an email/phone call update would have been nice vs a wasted trip *1 time* or sitting on hold while they do whatever it is they do for 20 minutes after you ask them a question*3 times*) The game we finally saw in other stores so went to get it (headed to that town anyways) Showed them reciept and was told we dont have any of these you have to get it within 48 hrs of being called...told them they never called...They all huddle in back to confer...was then told that they got busy that day and hadnt had a chance to call ANYONE for it and were then sold out. They tell us that they will make sure to call when more are in stock Dh says NM just refund the deposit and yep you guessed it...cant do that cause it is past the time allowed and the computer wont allow them to....It was only 5$ but will SO never shop at GS willingly again


I would NEVER trust them with 250$ when they cant seem to handle 5$

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They tell us that they will make sure to call when more are in stock Dh says NM just refund the deposit and yep you guessed it...cant do that cause it is past the time allowed and the computer wont allow them to....It was only 5$ but will SO never shop at GS willingly again


I would NEVER trust them with 250$ when they cant seem to handle 5$

Are you kidding??!!! That's HORRIBLE customer service! I wouldn't give them a nickel deposit in that case! Glad I don't shop GS anyway. I would call their corporate offices and complain LOUDLY. It may only be $5, but it's the principle of the matter!!

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Our gamestop guys are idiots too, I got a Pirates PS3 NEW game from there got it home and it has NO WRAPPING ON IT??! I called and they told me they took the wrapping off the new game to put out on the shelves? BULLCRAP do they really?? I took it back and demanded they give me a wrapped one, it looked like I got a USED one for a gift, not that I mind that if I find a great deal, my family doesn't mind USED games but I paid FULLPRICE!


Then I went in to get a giftcard and I literally had to pull the dang worker down off a ladder (he was scanning all the games on the top shelf) to check me out after 10 minutes of standing at the counter yelling "I JUST need to get a giftcard!" UUGGHH!


Definaly WOULD NOT get my $250 upfront THANKS GOD we already scored at WII

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I wouldn't do it. I have never preordered or rainchecked from them but a buddy has 3 times (xbox 360 release, ps3, and halo3). He ended up getting them ALL long after other stores had them in stock and collecting dust.


Basicly you have to get the raincheck/preorder and then stand in line just like bf the night before they are to get them because they OVERSELL!!!!

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We always pre-order everything from Gamestop and have never had the trouble you guys seem to have. They always call (automated) us a few days before the release date to remind us and have always had what we ordered. I guess it all depends on the management and we have been very lucky. However I do not think that I would give them $250 upfront since they really can't guarantee when and how many they will get in. It is kinda up to how many Nintendo can produce. I dont think this was a very good move on Gamstops part, they are gonna have alot of ticked off impatient people who have their raincheck and want it now! (which most people would)
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Guest CS.Dean
People will look pretty dumb if "Santa" delievered a raincheck to little Billy on Christmas Day. This is nothing but a media stunt to try to get some of the market they are loosing.
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I wouldn't do it. I have never preordered or rainchecked from them but a buddy has 3 times (xbox 360 release, ps3, and halo3). He ended up getting them ALL long after other stores had them in stock and collecting dust.


Basicly you have to get the raincheck/preorder and then stand in line just like bf the night before they are to get them because they OVERSELL!!!!

We have never had a problem with GS. We pre-order everything. I get a call the night before telling me that "whatever" is scheduled to arrive in my store at "x" time. I always go the day after since I have 48 hours to p/u. If I cannot make it, I call my store and they always hold it for me. The have even called me when a game they think my kids would want is going to pre-order and I will do it over the phone. I love my store in my mall.

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Our gamestop guys are idiots too, I got a Pirates PS3 NEW game from there got it home and it has NO WRAPPING ON IT??! I called and they told me they took the wrapping off the new game to put out on the shelves? BULLCRAP do they really?? I took it back and demanded they give me a wrapped one, it looked like I got a USED one for a gift, not that I mind that if I find a great deal, my family doesn't mind USED games but I paid FULLPRICE!


Then I went in to get a giftcard and I literally had to pull the dang worker down off a ladder (he was scanning all the games on the top shelf) to check me out after 10 minutes of standing at the counter yelling "I JUST need to get a giftcard!" UUGGHH!


Definaly WOULD NOT get my $250 upfront THANKS GOD we already scored at WII

Actually, yes they do unwrap them. If it was a box out on the shelf, they "gut" tyehm before putting them out. That helps prevent theft. So, its not unusual to get an opened copy new. However, normally they have plenty behind the counter that are still wrapped. The box on the shelf is usually the last copy. Now having said that, I hate GS with a passion, lol.

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