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Good idea. Okay, just checked and it does show it coming. I'll call back later (6 am here) and see if they got it. If not, I'll keep checking. Sounds like a snow storm on the way here which anymore is a big deal in this part of Illinois so ........... lol

Made it into Walmart. Big sign hanging there that the bundle isn't being released yet - anywhere. Games only are available before Christmas.

Fulfam, are you sure you saw the bundle for the PS2?


The guy at Circuit City (always a reliable source :confused:) said they changed the release date until 2008 (late January/early february at the earliest).


If anybody actually sees it or gets it, PLEASE let me know. THANKS!!!!!;)


This is confusing. Searching around on the web, seeing Dec 11th, Dec 18th and Jan 2008 as release dates. The companies website is useless for any real info. for the PS2.

I wonder if your Walmart clerk knew the difference on the various models Fulfam. Ours still had a stack of PS3 versions sitting out.

Yeah I come to find out that my walmart people are dumb and didn't tell me the right thing. Anyway I called the local gamestop and they told me its on their list for tomorrow! She said call tomorrow around 11am to check to make sure. I think I'll just go there around then to find out. And one other walmart told me they expected them within 24-48 hrs.

Thanks for the update. We don't have a game stop nearby but hope to go out of town in the afternoon as the kids have a half day. Hopefully I can nail one then.

Before our Walmart went from regular to Super-Sized we had the same staff in electronics and they were all up to date on what was what. Now they hire more staff, cut their hours and rotate them so they don't get familiar with the stock. Never a good idea in electronics since that is their high ticket department with so many different systems.


Found this on Amazon's website. According to Amazon the games comes out on the December 28. Hope this helps.





Rock Band Special Edition

Other products by MTV Games

Platform: PlayStation2 | ESRB Rating: Teen

Availability: Sign up to be notified when this item becomes available.

Rock Band purchase policy

Rock Band is in very high demand and the initial industry supply will be limited. In an effort to provide as many customers as possible with the opportunity to purchase Rock Band, we are limiting the number of Rock Band customers can purchase. As a result, each household may only purchase up to 1 copy of Rock Band. Once inventory is available, we will evaluate the purchase limit policy and implement changes as needed.


I've found like 8 different release dates on various websites. Some still insist it came out last week.

It's one of those "believe it when you see it" things I think lol

i called my wal mart they dont know when they will get the rockband ps2 i loooked on ebay and there are 2 1 is for $330 and the other one is going for a whopping $4000.

I reserved one at our Game Stop and called yesterday, they said it would be in today, so I went in and they said, "sorry, it should be here Friday"


UGH that's cutting it close!


they also said they will have NO extras, so only people who reserved them will get them, and those that reserved better pick up immediately...dunno if that means they can sell to others or not...

While out of town I hit Sams Club, Best Buy, Game Stop, etc. and all said the same thing. Didn't get it and now don't have a clue as to when as shipping dates are pushed back constantly.
I'm tired of getting the run around on this game. Our target said they won't be getting any at all. Our toys r us tried telling me it was in yesterday but sold out as soon as they put it out, but when I went in store to see what they said they tried telling me it wasn't coming out at all for ps2 because they are going to stop making games for the ps2 they are idiots! We went to every other store around too and nobody knows when they will have it! Its terribly annoying.

Nothing on line either. I was reading somewhere that the equipment for the 2 was the same as for 3 but I have to question that since if it is, they would have the 2 stuff out for sale. Everywhere I looked they had the bundle for the 3 and XBox.

Makes me wonder on how sound the equipment would be from a company who can't guarantee a release date. Sounds like they keep finding last minute bugs?

Heck, last Christmas I was able to lay my hands on 3 Wii's with a minimum of effort. Now I can't find one lousy game. lol

From what I know the ps3 version equipment will work for ps2 but then you need to get the game for ps2 so in the end it costs you 50 bucks more. If that is ok with you I would do that. That is what were thinking of doing because I doubt we will find the ps2 version before xmas. But I called my gamestop this morning and they said call back in half hour because they didn't get their packages delivered for today yet. So I guess you never know. It's gonna be available online at best buy sometime today they told me they don't know what time though. She said just keep checking the site. So in turn if you have all day to sit and refresh their site to see if its available you might get one.

By now I'm restricted to mail. We have only a Walmart in our area. It's a 2 hour round trip to a Best Buy. Game Stop is an hour round trip however, so I can try calling them in a bit.

I hate to pay for stuff that I won't use, just can't afford it with everything else.

  theboyzmom said:

I reserved one at our Game Stop and called yesterday, they said it would be in today, so I went in and they said, "sorry, it should be here Friday"


UGH that's cutting it close!


they also said they will have NO extras, so only people who reserved them will get them, and those that reserved better pick up immediately...dunno if that means they can sell to others or not...

Just because they say that CALL friday anyway actually call everyday to see if they come in. My Gamestop ONLY GOT RESERVES for the PS3 version and they actually had 4 people for PS3 alone that didn't ever show up to pick there's up. They just released them to the public!:eek:


Hope you guys get yours this was the ONLY thing on my DS(9) wishlist :D

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