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Confirmed: CompUSA going out of business in January


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I finally had a chance to look around the store in Greenville, SC - looks like they've followed the trend of the prior closings and have marked things at the MSRP and then marked back down (10% on nearly all PC items). For example, a LInksys wireless G router that they were selling for $49.99 (and WM and BB still sell at that price) has now been marked at $69.99 and then 10% off.


The same was true on Logitech speakers; 2 people next to me were price shopping with a friend on their cell phone and 2 different models were marked $20-30 higher than the store the friend was in - but I didn't catch the name....


The amazing part was that people were climbing over each other to grab the "deals" and lots of people were lined up at the registers. I guess with sales like that there's not much reason to change their ways at this point!

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Well, went by today for "entire store on sale", "up to 30% off"

What it meant was anything that people might actually want was marked "10% off", and that was off raised prices.

Things no one wanted were 20-30% off.

Only exception were a few books on programming, or vista, or game guides of actually newer games, and were 30% off.

Lots looking, but like me, lots leaving store empty handed.

Guess we will have to wait to see if they start offering some real deals.

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