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YOu probably won't hear from them. They will send you complaint to the store and if you are lucky and Assistant from the store will contact you.
I sent them an email and someone from the local store finally called me this week. Of course, she couldn't get me any specs or information on the $388 computers...just repeatedly told me that they had 5 of them that morning and they sold immediately at 5 am. Funny, we asked repeatedly in electronics about those computers (at 3:30 am on BF, then again at 10:30 am on BF, then again on the next day....just out of curiosity....and NOBODY in electronics EVER knew anything about the $388 computers. I guess they magically sold 5 of them without anyone ever knowing anything about it until almost 2 weeks later. Whatever. I knew that's the story I'd get IF I ever got a response...but it's funny that my mom and I both asked over and over and over for 2 days and nobody knew anything at all.
The first few secret item sales were poorly communicated, for sure. However, you'd be amazed by all the paperwork, policies, posters, and what not they sent down for us to review for this weekend's sale. Maybe they learned something?
  scrapwave said:

I sent them an email and someone from the local store finally called me this week. Of course, she couldn't get me any specs or information on the $388 computers...just repeatedly told me that they had 5 of them that morning and they sold immediately at 5 am. Funny, we asked repeatedly in electronics about those computers (at 3:30 am on BF, then again at 10:30 am on BF, then again on the next day....just out of curiosity....and NOBODY in electronics EVER knew anything about the $388 computers. I guess they magically sold 5 of them without anyone ever knowing anything about it until almost 2 weeks later. Whatever. I knew that's the story I'd get IF I ever got a response...but it's funny that my mom and I both asked over and over and over for 2 days and nobody knew anything at all.

That's exactly what happened to us. We were there at 3am also and the response I kept getting was "it must be a real secret because we don't know about it"! I even asked management to look at their website to no avail. I regret not taking the print out from the website but oh well....ended up getting the 399.00 laptop at BB last Sunday.


My best friend and I were also the victims of the "secret" laptop confusion on BF. We went back and forth between Staples and Walmart and decided to camp at Walmart. (Huge Mistake). We camped out from midnite to store opening (5am) and were 3rd in line. (THe other 2 people weren't waiting on a laptop). To make a long story short.....we waited for NOTHING. No one knew what we were talking about, it was so much disorganization. We talked to the store manager, he said to call him back tomorrow (complete waste of time).. Come to find out they got none in. The electronic department staff were ignorant and not helpful at all. We ran over to the other Walmart across town and talked to the store manager there (he was very knowledgable and helpful). He told us that they had only 2 and gave out coupons very early in the morning, so that anyone else waiting still had an opportunity to go elsewhere and catch a deal. I called the corporate office and told them that they false advertised, and they said they would look into it. (Yeah right!!). We called the original store manager the next day and he offered us an Acer with an AMD processor. I told him no I wanted the computer with the specs that were advertised one of which was an Intel.


Well i vowed to never shop there again, and I won't. I like Target better anyway. They have cleaner, more organized stores and they have not forgotten what customer service means. I ended up buying a Gateway laptop from CC for 499 w/ Intel Duo , 160gb hard drive, etc. I then also got lucky and got the 399 Compaq from BB on Sunday 12/2 after waiting behind all the Wii people for 45 minutes in the sleeting rain. We were 1st in the computer line and I felt redeemed!!! I will never trust Walmart again, so be warned if you see something advertised...it may not be there!!


Dont bother with walmart and theyre fake laptop deals on BF.


in 2005 and 2006 I waited from 1 am till opening at my local walmart. Got the run around both times on which department the laptop was in and neither time the store ever had one... Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Since BF 2006 i wont step foot at walmart.


To All: I was one of the lucky ones to get a laptop on BF. The store had no idea of the item but with WalMart I was prepared in that I printed the ad from online and refused to move from the "specials" line until I was either given the item or an equal. It took about 20 minutes but I was the 7th person in line and NO ONE other than me had asked for the item.


The store manager did some research .... came back with a machine that was not even close to the specs and when I handed her another copy of the ad ( I brought 6 ) she went around a corner and was back in about 30 seconds with a correct machine.


In short, be prepared ..... have copies of the ad in case they misplace your copy and don't allow them to put you off ..... Stay until they honor the deal ( make sure the deal is still valid ) ..... The squeaky wheel usually works .... if not use your cell from inside the store to contact WalMart proper and even call the newpapers as they LOVE to kick retailers for this stuff.

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