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Rock Band in next weeks Walmart paper!


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Sorry I am at work and din't bring it with me. I will check and post when I get it are you looking for anything in particular? No Wii's in the ad I noticed the only other thing I remember was a PSP bundle for Stars Wars that was 199. I will grab the paper when I go out to get the mail this morning I should be back by 10:30
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Got one today at the Walmart in Hadley MA. Person working there said that they have been getting them in twice a week. I had called the store in Northampton MA and was told the same thing but they were out, said that he though more would be in tonight. So it looks like WalMart may have them in the distribution centers at least in the Northeast, but I don't know how accurate any of the information I was giving was as the first WalMart in the area that I called (Hinsdale, NH) said they did not have any, haven't received any yet this year and he didn't know if there were any on order. (warm body?) :-) The second WalMart I called (Orange, MA) did not know what I was asking for and told me to call back later. (partially warm body) ;-)


Go luck to those that are looking, always one of these items every year, just glad this year's item isn't $499 :-)



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Wow. I did not know this was hard to get. I originally pre-ordered 2 from Gamestop. The day it came out my Sister went to Kmart and used the 20% off coupon and p/u two of Rockband. I then went on BF and cancelled my 2 pre-orders. Good Luck on getting this. If I see it anywhere I can p/u for anyone who wants it.
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I called all the local WalMarts this morning and they all said NO. I called all the stores in the mall where my hubby's working and they all said NO. I started calling Game Stop and started with the one closest to my house. The closest one said he had a few, but could not hold anything. He said they're not hard to get. I said yes they are. He said he was in WalMart last night and they had stacks and stacks of them. I called WalMart, since I have to go there for a site to store pickup anyway, and the guy said NO we do not have them. I said that's funny because someone told me they saw about 50 of them there last night. He acted like he didn't know what I was talking about. I'm not sure where 50 of them went since last night. Anyway, I called back Game Stop and he said he was sure they were there and they were on a cart to be stocked. He said, "You don't want to go there anyway. I'll hold one for you." I thanked him profusely and told him I'll be there as soon as the babies get up from a nap. Yay!
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My BIL works for our local Walmart in electronics. He say's that his Walmart in particular is keeping them in back- and only putting a few out every few day's. It's essentially a ploy to get people to keep coming back. Same thing w/ the Wii (at his store). He said last week they got 10 in, and they put 2 out a day. Maybe ask around to the employee's.
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I was in Walmart last night and they had 3 Rockbands for Xbox360, the sign above it said 169.00 but when I went to pay it rang up 129.00!!!:

Good deal!!


I got mine today at Game Stop but I'll keep my eye out at WalMart and use the price scanner to check it if I find one. ;0)

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