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Dell Vostro 1000 15.4" Laptop with 1GB RAM for $399 [SOLD OUT]

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  Brad said:

You can also try this:


1. go here

2. in the search box at the top, search for bqdaiad

3. click on the Vostro 1000 link

4. click buy now

5. click add to cart

6. when in cart, enter coupon code RH23N?MWL3KF1C

7. price should be $399


the only issue is doing it that way gives you the slightly lesser AMD Sempron processor instead of the Athlon. once they update the special e-value code in the original link, it should have the Athlon, but if you just want a $399 laptop, the steps above should work.

Or if you don't want to wait while still taking advantage of the $260 coupon (RH23N?MWL3KF1C), I found out that if you follow Brad's steps above you can customize the system configuration by clicking on the "Adjust System" link when the laptop is in your cart.


To upgrade to the Athlon TK-53 processors, it's an extra $50. And what I like about this is that you can customize other components while still getting the $260 off.


As of this post, it seems the "bqdaiad" is for a Vostro 1000 with XP only as Vista is not offered as an alternate OS. That's the only difference I've seen.


You rock Brad! Just nailed one. Took me forever but can't beat the system for the price. Also, beats stand out in the cold for something that probably won't be in stock. Now I can relax and enjoy my morning cup of Joe!


Happy Thanksgiving and Thanks-For-Giving!




  bbbfman said:

wow, my patience is getting sleepy like the rest of me.. :razz:


anyone else out here still waiting with me?

I'm still waiting because my goal is to get a laptop for under $500 that meets my specs. If I wait it out, I'll get the dual-core processor and the Wireless-N upgrade (everything else is good with me) with tax and shipping for $475 or so.


The Vostro 1000 for $399. Go to the link Brad outlines above. It took me numerous tries but I finally got it. Here's a tip. Make sure you click the blue hyper-link to apply coupon or it won't subtract the discount.




...must hold on... fingers not working....can sepll....sleepy...sooooo sleeppppy.......

want Brads $399 deal so baaaaaadd.................................................


its so apthetic




Who knows. Depends on what you want it for. I just want it for personal use and love the fact that it threw in a bit of software, has windows xp home edition and had 120 gb hard drive. CC and all the rest are out of stock for comparable systems on-line. Beggers can't be choosers at this stage. Woo Hoo!



Guest hackandspit

Hey Brad,


Aren't you going to question the person that fired that e-mail to you so we can get the correct configuration for the price? Obviously if they stated they were gonna run that special, they should make it right.



Iam grateful for these service provide through the night on all this stuff. I am grateful about the Dell information despite the fact that you were fed seemingly bogus info on that link. You will still save me $260 on the Vostro w/ Atholon Dual Core at a pre-tax cost of $449


Unluss someone can tell me why not, I will pull the trigger on the purchase that si already set up on another tab at the very final step.


I have to pee and then go to work so I will try that cursed link twice more and then BLAMMO!


Anyone think the link may not work because the dual core processor is not in a delayed shipping status?


Happy Friday Brad and Carol-Lynn


I must go and work for your Department of Defense today and do my part to keep the Black Fridays safe




:cool: Thanks Brad and Dell!


My son has wanted a laptop for years now. This year, it was looking impossible until I logged on and found this deal. I upgraded the processor and the battery and chose the free McAfee trial. It's shipping to my office in 3-5 days and I'm done with all my shopping, including yesterday's deals. ;)


Got through to CC on the $399 Toshiba laptop. It is only available for in-store purchase.


Why the website said you could order it over the phone is beyond me because last night it said it was only an in-store purchase. And now the site is saying it's in-store purchase only.


But whatever...I'm going to the CC near me because they have it in stock supposedly.


I had no problems using Brad's steps and ordering the Vostro. I was up late trying to get one of the HP laptops from Office Depot online, and finally gave up. This is much better than alot of them out there, and with no rebates to wait for. I'm happy. DH better be happy or I might strangle him after all of this. :D


Thanks Brad!

I'm still waiting to see if the dual core Athlon becomes available at this price. To me, the difference in processors is definitely worth waiting for.
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