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Door Buster Items And Non-door Busters


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I Notice That The Doorbuster Items Are Only On The First Page Of The Ad. Question Is, Where Do We Redeem Our Tickets/vouchers? Do We Go To The Location Of Our Item Or To The Register.


Also, For The Items Not On The First Page. If I Were To Get A 42" Lcd Thats Not A Doorbuster Will There Be A Stack Of These Huge Tv's Laying Around On The Ground. How Am I Supposed To Carry Them And At The Same Time Look For Other Non-doorbuster Items?

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When we went last year.. they give you the tickets for the doorbusters as your lined up

in line, about an hour before doors open. (again, you gotta be early or your not gettin them)

About the TV, I dont believe they're going to have those lying around.. But we did

buy one last year, and you have to tackle a sales assoc., and dont leave his side!

Probably best to prepick-out your tv so you can get to the register quicker.

He'll give you a printed paper and then you take that to the register and pay, then someone will help you load it into your vehicle.

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here's a thing we do; we bring one of our extra family members and have them stand in line while you run around and get stuff, cause lines can be very long and take sometimes an hour to get to the register, it helps when checking out.


I usually put my kids in lines through town to get deals, its saves money since they are teenagers it helps or coordinate with other friends or family in town to help you out with your deals, we get together for breakfast and gte papers and pencils and discuss away, eat dinner early and off we go.


Then one of the other family members brings by food and drinks, it helps if you live close to the stores and this way get the bargains. I love black friday, my family thinks i'm nuts but its saves you so much money.


I'm def a Bargain shopper.


Happy T-day everyone.



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