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Going for the Zune...anyone else?

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I got to my TRU at 4:00 AM. There were about 20 people in front of me. They only had 3 Zunes.....


Went to another one across town later. They had only had 7 Zunes. Not very happy with TRU right now.


got to toysrus about 2:30, didn't want the zune but i was about 15th in line, they only had 8 and a lot of people were pissed.


I was very happy, got what i wanted plus they opened early at 4:20 instead of 5. done there at 4:30.

ours had 3 too, me, my SIL and mom were 1, 2 and 3 in line so we got one.. but what ticked me off is that all these other people were waiting and when they let me in to get mine they were handing some to employees that they had set aside for them....
I was in line at Toys R Us at 1:30 am and was 5th in line. I still did not get a zune. They did not give out numbers and were very unorganized. When they opened the door at 5, everyone ran to electronics and did not form a line. They just hurdled around the electronics counter screaming for a zune and the employees randomly passed out the zunes, only about 7 in the store. Even the number 2 person in line did not get one, I was not happy.
  ecNick said:

Dell has them for $99.99 + tax w/ free shipping!

& I just ordered mine & saved a couple more $$$ by opening a Dell prefered account. After searching all day for this I feel better finally getting it. The heck w/ TRU, it sounds like they don't have very good management at the store level with some of the stories I have read today. Thanks for the tip ecNick!!!

I opened the zune box and there is no ear phones or charger of anykind, no cords etc....I will be heading to best buy today hoping to get whatever it is that I need for it today! Still a good deal though...but are they supposed to come with the cords?
You should have gotten a USB charger (to plug in and charge through the computer), but it doesn't come with a wall or car charger or anything... I picked up a pink case, a wall and car charger plus a cord on ebay for 14.00 bucks shipped try there...

I was in line at 4am at TRU. Found out about ten minutes before they opened that they only had six Zunes. The first few people in line had been there since 4pm the day before. They also sold out immediately on the Pixsters.


Tried all day to order them (Zunes and Pixsters) online with no luck.


I talked to my friend who was in line at TRU on BF (she was 10th in line). When the doors opened, the first 2 guys RAN and I mean RAN back to the display of the Zunes. They had said they had over 25 of them. The two men shoved the 3rd person out of the way and picked up the whole display and brought it to the checkout inside the game department. People were yelling and demanding a manager. Manager comes up and said he was sorry, but no limits posted so they had the right to purchase any amount.... Heres where it gets horrible....


The one guy took one of the zunes and lifted it in the air. He yelled to everyone "These will be on ebay in a half hour- you can buy them then!". How ridiculous is that??!!! I swear I would have beat down those two. How rude.


BUT, due to other sales on Zunes listed here, she went online and paid $90 and free shipping. Thankfully I was on yesterday and was able to tell her about them.


we got in line at 11:45 pm thursday. we were first in line. i was after 3 zunes (2 for my kids) and one for a friend (who had to work). our store had a 2 per person limit. but my sis in law got one for me. i am not sure how many our store had (at least 4 that i know of) but they were sold out quickly. our mangers at toysrus were great. right before opening they came outside and ran off line cutters. everything went very well.

i felt bad for the employees, a lady wanted a zune and they were gone, she starts screaming at the employees that they should have had more or put in the ad there was only so many. why scream at them...they have nothing to do with the ads or the stock. i turned around and told her..3:30, we got here at 11:45 and i got mine. you should have been here earlier and you would have got one. i just could not believe how she was acting to the employees. but all in all things were great at toysrus for me.

I went to walmart and price matched the Zune there..... They didn't like it, but oh well. I saved like 129 bucks that way and I didn't have to fight any crowds!
  hayperk said:

I went to walmart and price matched the Zune there..... They didn't like it, but oh well. I saved like 129 bucks that way and I didn't have to fight any crowds!

i considered doing this but was worried the 60% off in the corner would make wal mart not pricematch. i did not think they did % off price matching, so I did not take the chance. glad it worked for you!:)

I wasn't able to get a zune either. My tru only received four. The manager came out several times before the store opened to announce that tickets had already been passed out and there weren't any available so people didn't have to stand in the cold if that was the only thing they were after.
  mom2maddynsky27 said:

i considered doing this but was worried the 60% off in the corner would make wal mart not pricematch. i did not think they did % off price matching, so I did not take the chance. glad it worked for you!:)

They listed a specific price in the ad, so Wal-Mart would price patch that. They do not price match if the ad simply states 60% off, or BOGO.


But, I went to Wal-Mart. Got the Zune (price matched), got Mario Galaxy (PM from Circuit City for $35) and a couple of other price matched. Got the WM stuff I wanted as well.


Best part-WM is 24 hours, so I waited inside and played Mario Galaxy and Guitar Hero while I waited...

  elena_398 said:

I talked to my friend who was in line at TRU on BF (she was 10th in line). When the doors opened, the first 2 guys RAN and I mean RAN back to the display of the Zunes. They had said they had over 25 of them. The two men shoved the 3rd person out of the way and picked up the whole display and brought it to the checkout inside the game department. People were yelling and demanding a manager. Manager comes up and said he was sorry, but no limits posted so they had the right to purchase any amount.... Heres where it gets horrible....


The one guy took one of the zunes and lifted it in the air. He yelled to everyone "These will be on ebay in a half hour- you can buy them then!". How ridiculous is that??!!! I swear I would have beat down those two. How rude.


BUT, due to other sales on Zunes listed here, she went online and paid $90 and free shipping. Thankfully I was on yesterday and was able to tell her about them.

I hope they don't get more than they paid for considering they're on sale almost everywhere.


Went to TRU also, got there about 3:30am and there were about 250 people ahead of us. It was like 13 below with the wind chill. Needless to say no Zune for me there. Also there were line cutters. Why can't people just act civilized?


After shopping all day, came home and found 2 online @ Costco for 99.99, no membership there so had a 5% surplus, ended up averaging 114.00 per Zune. I am happy, because no one had them online at all. Soooooo far no email saying out of stock and even have a tracking number to track my order. So hopefully I am safe.


All in all our TRU was definately not as organized as in the past. Very disappointed with them.

  ashemgra said:

I opened the zune box and there is no ear phones or charger of anykind, no cords etc....I will be heading to best buy today hoping to get whatever it is that I need for it today! Still a good deal though...but are they supposed to come with the cords?

If you look in the box just to the right of the zune itself it doesn't look like it opens but it is a flap and your usb cable is in there... then on the left side you have the ear buds

  ashemgra said:

I opened the zune box and there is no ear phones or charger of anykind, no cords etc....I will be heading to best buy today hoping to get whatever it is that I need for it today! Still a good deal though...but are they supposed to come with the cords?

lift the flaps next to the zune on the box. The usb cord and headphones should be in there. I did the same thing I was like were are the cables and headphones.

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