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The main two games I needed weren't available online so after church this morning I had to head to the store.


I couldn't find the games I was after anywhere including the case behind the registers. Something just told me to ask though. So I stood in line for 15 minutes (they only had one guy working the electronic dept), asked him if they were out of the Hannah Montana game because I couldn't find it. He looked like he was about to say yes, then said well... what other games do you need. I told him I would really like to get the High School Musical Sing it with the Microphone, but I couldn't find it on the floor either. He nodded and ducked into the back. Then he reappeared with both games!


I also got Backyard Football for my DH. The guy working the electronic dept thanked me for being so kind and patient. The people that were in line in front of me were not so nice or patient. lol


Moral of the story.... be nice to the employees, even if they are super slow. lol You never know when they have what you need hidden in a back room. lol


I was so excited that they had them instock I forgot to use my 25 gift card! lol

Oh well I'm headed back for some stuff on BF anyway so I can use it then.:D

  mommystiber said:

I know walmart will price match on BF so you can always take the KB ad and match buy 1 get 1 there. I know I am going to. b1g1 is much better than b2g1

Two things, when I went to my nearest KB, I overheard the manager talking to a customer that they do not sell Wii games--they only sell the older games of older platforms. As for Wal-Mart, I checked with the customer service desk today and they said they do not price match bXgX nor any %s off. Hope this helps.

I checked with walmart today too, just because TRU is 1hr drive :( no go there either if it was on sale for $XX.XX then yes they would or 2- for $30.00 etc but not b2g1.
  mommystiber said:

I know walmart will price match on BF so you can always take the KB ad and match buy 1 get 1 there. I know I am going to. b1g1 is much better than b2g1

I tried to get Wal-Mart to match the buy 2 get 1 free in the TRU ad today. The manager told me they could not match 50% off ads for Buy 1 Get 1 ads. :yuck:


I don't know about all KB stores but the ones near me sell Wii games but not the newer games. Usually they only stock the cheap $20-$40 games that aren't worth it even if they are B1G1.


Nintendo has gotten lazy about quality standards so chances are if you see a new game really cheap for ds or wii its because the game is not good. Id personally rather pay $50 for a really good game that is going to give hours of fun like a Mario or Zelda than spend $20 for two games that I will get bored with after ten minutes. Just my 2 cents.




  mickeyaddi said:

Two things, when I went to my nearest KB, I overheard the manager talking to a customer that they do not sell Wii games--they only sell the older games of older platforms. As for Wal-Mart, I checked with the customer service desk today and they said they do not price match bXgX nor any %s off. Hope this helps.

  deljack27 said:

I may be wrong but I thought I read Walmart doesn't price match B1G1 free items on that day.

I just went to a nearby WalMart and they would not price match the offer. They called two different managers and the consensus was since there were no prices, it was a "bonus" offer, and it was for a limited time, they would not price match.


I'm calling BB now.


Not sure if this has been mentioned but you can go ahead and buy any games at the $ of the game your really wanting and then go back later, next week or whatever and exchange for the titles that you want.


Just a thought for the TRU that are selling out of the hot ones right now.


Just make sure you keep your reciept!

TRU is not makng me happy!! I called yesterday to see if they had gotten any Wii games in, nope the guy laughed and said the stock was so empty, but to check back later and see. So I called later, nope, no new stock. I called this morning and the lady on the phone was clueless. I shoudl have asked for the department, but I didn't. She said they hadn't gotten any new stock in at all and were not expecting any. Um heloo TRU, your sale was sunday, you had no games then, you're gonna have no games at all! How the heck is anyone supposed to save some $$?? It is about 45 minutes away from me so I don't want to drive over there just to check. Yes I could buy 3 games I don't want to exchange them, but that woudl mean I woudl have to keep checking back to find them instock. UGG!!!

I tried the price match at BB and CC but the managers in my area told me they don't match these type of offers. The two TRU stores that are within an 45 min (I'm not driving more than that) are each completely blown out. There are some old games but nothing popular. I got extremely lucky going in yesterday afternoon, I caught them just as they got in the afternoon delivery and was able to get Mario Galaxy, wahoo!


They got in a grand total of 4 copies which is very surprising. I just happened to be walking by when one of the electronics guys was opening the new arrivals. I asked him if they had gotten Mario and he was nice enough to give me one to buy right out of the box. As soon as I walked up in line to buy it four people rushed over to the guy after they noticed what I had. It was a little bit of a crazy scene. I figured Monday afternoon wouldn't be that busy but there were a lot of people and it seemed like within a minute or two of me getting my copy of Mario, ten people showed up asking about games.


They didn't have anything else I wanted like Lego Star Wars, Wii Play or Mario Sonic Olympics. They did have one copy of the Simpsons left behind the counter so I was able to get that and I bought Hanna Montana which was the only $50 game they had a million copies of so I'll try to exchange that for a game I really want later.


I feel bad for the people who had to work electronics. They had just one person back there. A manager finally pulled some one off the front register to help in electronics. As I was paying, some people started complaining because one guy decided to buy the three remaining copies of Mario Galaxy himself when there was a mom who was practically pleading with the guy to let her buy one for her son. I was able to get out of there before anything got too heated but it just makes me shake my head. If things are this crazy now, I cant imagine Friday. :no:


My advice to any one is to check TRU in the afternoons around 12-2p EST which at least around here is when the delivery trucks for games come. Also, just because the shelves look empty, its always worth checking and asking if they have any more. I got really lucky, in addition to getting Mario Galaxy, the guy even gave me one of those coins you are supposed to get with the preorder. I guess they had an extra or something but that was really nice. Good luck out there to everyone still looking for Wii games. If this week so far is any indication, I don't think they are going to have any where near the supply to meet this weekends demand. Things could get ugly Friday and Saturday.


One last thing and then I'll end this mile long post. You can get the B2G1 deal online but most of the games sold out Sunday. I signed up for a notification when they get back in stock and one of the games sent me an email overnight last night about it but by the time I got the message the game was already sold out again. Your best bet is to just keep checking.

and if you dont find your game just buy something of the same price and then exchange it later when they are in stock just keep your receipt
My Wal Mart & Target today had plenty of Mario Galaxy, Smarty Pants and Mario & Sonic Olympics. Guess I should've picked them up, but geez they must have had 15 copies of each one. We don't have a TRU around here.
  scrapfor4 said:

Not sure if this has been mentioned but you can go ahead and buy any games at the $ of the game your really wanting and then go back later, next week or whatever and exchange for the titles that you want.


Just a thought for the TRU that are selling out of the hot ones right now.


Just make sure you keep your reciept!

This is exactly what I did! I talked wtih the store manager first, so be careful! He said I may have trouble exchanging the game that rings up free. So make sure you want at least one game that they have in stock and have the cashier ring that one up as the free game.

I went tonight and got Guitar Hero III (the last one!), Mario Galaxy, and Word Coach. I'm hoping to exchange Word Coach when they get more games in. I have a question though- what is this coupon everyone is talking about for spending over $75? I looked on the TRU site and couldn't find anything.
  areno79 said:

I went tonight and got Guitar Hero III (the last one!), Mario Galaxy, and Word Coach. I'm hoping to exchange Word Coach when they get more games in. I have a question though- what is this coupon everyone is talking about for spending over $75? I looked on the TRU site and couldn't find anything.


There was a coupon in the Big Toy Book and in Sunday's paper for spend $75, get a $10 gift card to be used on your next purchase.

Just to let you know, not sure about other tru but mine here in Erie, Pa is only honoring full refunds through 11/21 which is tomorrow(Wednesday)! And after that you may exchange for like 1/3 of the price with receipt. I still bought mine but just wanted to give those a heads up. because if you try to exchange after christmas they will not give you full price or do an even exchange for the games.
Got 3 games fresh off truck-HS Musical,Paper Mario, Mario 8, lady ahead of me got last Guitar3 then we watched it go crazy for whatever little crumbs they had left.

I did this last time they had the B2G1 deal with a ds game. I didn't plan to, its just kids changed their minds. It is easier if you can do it while the promo is still going but they did it for me the next week.


The register won't ring up anything as free so they charged me a penny and then took it off of something else when I did an exchange for one of the games that was listed as the freebie.


As far as someone else saying that they would only honor this thru 11/21 I don't understand why. If I give a game as a gift with a gift reciept would they not let that person exchange it because it happened to be one of the free ones I bought?


I have one game that I probably will end up exchanging if I can this weekend but I don't see why TRU wouldn't honor it. With a receipt you should have 30 days for an exchange.


  Mugglemom said:

This is exactly what I did! I talked wtih the store manager first, so be careful! He said I may have trouble exchanging the game that rings up free. So make sure you want at least one game that they have in stock and have the cashier ring that one up as the free game.

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