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Train Table which to buy?

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O Bought My Son One Of Those Last Year With The Removeable Bins At The Bottom, From Tru He Loved It At First And I Loved The Removeable Bins But At 6 He Has Out Grown It! It Was A Good Buy Though And I Bought It In The Big Book Ad. :D

We bought our son the Imaginarium table 2 years ago when he was 3. It came with generic trains but we bought several of the wooden Thomas characters since they work with the same track. He loves it and so does his little sister now too.


However, that table is different then the one they have now. The one we bought did not have the side decoration, and had a slide out drawer on each side for storage. Very easy to assemble for Santa the night before.

I need help . . . I don't know which to buy. Target has the train table for $79 but it has not train. TRU has it for $129 and comes with a train. (I can't make it in to TRU on Black Friday for their $79 one) Any one know if they are both comparable as far as quality?
  • 2 weeks later...
We got ours at BJ's for 89.00 and it came with trains and tracks. I would check there or sams club/cosco. Ours is an octagon shaped 8 removable plastic storage bins for underneath.
Definitely check out Sam's/Costco. Sam's had one for $99 with the bins underneath and a train set. We picked this one one up from Ebay for under $150, including shipping (but I wanted drawers and not bins, my kids don't do so good with bins, everything usually gets dumped out!) We got a 120 piece train set. One thing to be careful of when choosing your table, make sure you do not have to buy an insert board for it because those can easily rack up the price.
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