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Jones Soda releases their Holiday packs - Christmas & Hanukkah!

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Mmmmmmmm: Fizzy, bottled ham

Associated Press


SEATTLE - Coming soon next to the Coke and Pepsi in a store near you: ham-and latke-flavored soda to make your holiday feast complete. It even will be kosher, the company making it says — including the ham.


Jones Soda Co., the Seattle-based purveyor of offbeat fizzy water, is selling holiday-themed limited-edition packs of flavored sodas.


The Christmas pack will feature such flavors as Sugar Plum, Christmas Tree, Egg Nog and Christmas Ham. The Hanukkah pack will have Jelly Doughnut, Apple Sauce, Chocolate Coins and Latkes sodas.


"As always, both packs are kosher and contain zero caffeine," Jones said in a statement.


The packs will go on sale Sunday, with a portion of the proceeds to be given to charity, the company said.


Jones' products feature original label art and frequently odd flavors. Last year's seasonal pack was Thanksgiving-themed, with Green Pea, Sweet Potato, Dinner Roll, Turkey and Gravy, and Antacid sodas.


For its contract to supply soda to Qwest Field, home of the Seattle Seahawks, Jones came up with Perspiration, Dirt, Sports Cream and Natural Field Turf. The company — fortunately or unfortunately — prides itself on the accuracy of the taste.


Jones also makes more traditional flavors, including root beer, cherry and strawberry sodas.




  conj said:

DH was just talking about this last night... I'd love to do the hanukah ones.. if it was a tad cheaper...

I betcha Jelly Doughnut is really good! http://s23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/Marcster2005/Smileypad/Holidays/menorah.gif

Buy them right after the holidays when they go on clearance. I know Target usually has them. I went in there right after Halloween and they had the Halloween ones 75% off.

I just want to know what Christmas Tree, Perspiration, Dirt, Sports Cream and Natural Field Turf are supposed to taste like.


Oh, wait, maybe I don't want to know. http://s23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/Marcster2005/Smileypad/Sick/beingsick.gif

I got Dh the Thanksgiving Days ones last year for Christmas. He tried them all. OMG they smelled just like the real thing. I wouldn't try them, but he said they tasted like the real thing too.
New flavors this year... Fabulous! Normally they are pretty accurate in taste, but I have to say I've never thought Turkey and Gravy really tasted like it was supposed to. Also, Turkey and Gravy has got to be the absolute worst flavor of the Jones Holiday Packs. Two years ago, they had a Brussel Sprouts on in their holiday pack, and my DH and some friends and I are sitting around sampling these on New Year's Eve, and we all thought it tasted like broccoli instead (no, we hadn't been drinking any alcohol yet :tongue1:.)
We get the Jones Soda holiday packs each year. My wife will only try the ones that sound like they "could" be a normal soda flavor (in some universe) while I make it a point to at least try each one. :D The new flavors in the Christmas Pack this year actually sound like they might be okay, even the ham.
They had egg nog last year. It wasn't the best, but its the only one that I drank the entire bottle. I'd like to try these, as I have tried them the last two years. The Brussel Sprouts one was horrible. Turkey and Gravy was about as bad.
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