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Little People Christmas Deluxe nativity set $21 @ walmart


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I was in Walmart yesterday and noticed they had A LOT of toys up on top of the shelves in hardware. They had lots of toys that they don't normally have down on the floor. I noticed this Fisher Price Little People Christmas Deluxe nativity set http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=4961029


up on top. They had them near some Little People Christmas trains. Online this set sells for at least $30. I had someone pull one down for me and I scanned it for $21. I bought it.


I'm wondering now if this was suppose to be a BF toy. They usually offer one or two Little People sets in their ad. This set has NOT been down in any toy section of any Walmart I've been to. But, 2 of my walmarts are not big WM, so maybe this toy is coming onto the shelves soon. It might already be on the shelves in some of the bigger WM, I don't know.


In either case, I was happy to get the set I've been wanting to get my young kids for years at a reasonable price.

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I was in Walmart yesterday and noticed they had A LOT of toys up on top of the shelves in hardware. They had lots of toys that they don't normally have down on the floor. I noticed this Fisher Price Little People Christmas Deluxe nativity set http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=4961029


up on top. They had them near some Little People Christmas trains. Online this set sells for at least $30. I had someone pull one down for me and I scanned it for $21. I bought it.


I'm wondering now if this was suppose to be a BF toy. They usually offer one or two Little People sets in their ad. This set has NOT been down in any toy section of any Walmart I've been to. But, 2 of my walmarts are not big WM, so maybe this toy is coming onto the shelves soon. It might already be on the shelves in some of the bigger WM, I don't know.


In either case, I was happy to get the set I've been wanting to get my young kids for years at a reasonable price.

It was in a center aisle display at our local store.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I thought this was really cute! They have it on a display in the center of the aisle at my walmart. I do belive sign said $3x.xx which was a couple days ago. I didn't want to pay that much for it. But if it was $21 I would. Maybe I will check at walmart tomorrow and see!
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I was concerned about buying this for my 4 year old but decided to go ahead and get it.


I plan on using it as a visual aide to continue my teachings about the true meaning of Christmas. I have shown her other Nativity Scenes but thought this was a good set to get for her so she can have her own.


She wanted a small Christmas tree in her room this year and I will be adding the Nativity set to go with it. Although I love the "Santa" part of Christmas, I am really on working on what it really is all about.

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