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In line question.


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So, i discovered how fun and amazing black friday is last year, but i have a concern this year. last year, i stood in line for best buy from 3am to 5am(opening), and we were realllly far back. this year, were getting in line around 12am, so we should be in good shape. only concern, are we allowed to leave the line as long as someone else is holding you spot? ill be with my dad, so he will be there, but ill need to put the chairs and stuff away. help?:confused:
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Agree with jaymacfla, 12 AM probably won't gain you anything. As far as being "allowed" to leave the line, it sounds like you are asking as if there are rules, or as if someone monitors the line. No one from Best Buy is in charge of, or monitors, the line. What will happen when it gets close to time for them to hand out tickets for the merchandise is they may take actions to try to prevent a riot, for example they may call the police to have them there as a "show of force". The only people who can say whether you are "allowed" to leave the line will be those standing in line with you. Most people are nice, they are going through the same experience as you are. They will also have a need to leave the line from time to time. As long as you hold their spot for them at those times, they will hold yours when you need it. But don't abuse this. If you are planning on going home for 3 or 4 hours and taking a nap, then expect there will be someone behind you in line who will complain.
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After a few hours you get pretty chummy with the people by you in line. I even brought my laptop and played a few movies. passed the time and entertained those around us. We had no problem leaving the line to get food or go to the bathroom. I even drove twice to check on my kids camping at CC down the road. Nobody starts getting real anxious and noteworthy until the ticket time draws near. At least that was my experience last year.
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