momformany Posted November 18, 2007 Posted November 18, 2007 I buy Christmas Stockings and fill them with items I bought from Target 75% off like post it notes, markers, pens all things that they need to replace throughout the year. I also add candy and a gift card to some place like Subway(quick lunch) or to a local teacher supply store.
momformany Posted November 18, 2007 Posted November 18, 2007 Last year for the daycare I bought a huge stocking and filled it with items from their wish list like puzzles, play dough, coloring books, scholastic books (the 95cent ones). That way all the teachers could benefit and I also added candy, cookies and treats for the teachers to share. When watching for sales through out the year I can put this together relatively cheap.
conj Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 Got some small wooden star shaped boxes at Michaels. the tops are magnetic and stick to the base. They were 1$ each. DS(7) colored 4 last night (the yellow highlighter looks great!). He used some beads and bells from last years Xmas crafts and made an ornament or bracelet with each of the 4 names on it, and put it in their box. total cost to us - less than 2$ each. Got my Son to color. (priceless). The boxes are a good size for paper clips or the like. Hopefully all will be appropriately thrilled.
Grassy Posted November 20, 2007 Posted November 20, 2007 aerosmithgirl said: My daughter has not one, but TWO male teachers this year. One is her regular class and the other is her gifted teacher. I have NO idea what to get as this is a first for us!!Can't go wrong with a bet Buy gift card for MEN! My oldest is in Preschool this year, and has two female teachers. My son and I are making the layered cookie jar recipes, and wrapping the tops with ribbon etc. I make them every year for my aunts etc. and they are always a big hit. People started giving me the empty jars back to re-sterilize and re-use...almost like they want to make sure I do it again the next year.
AndreaInNC Posted November 20, 2007 Posted November 20, 2007 My DD13 and I make banana bread for all of her teachers (she has 5). We also give loaves of banana bread to the folks that brave the cold and work the carpool lane at school. And give a loaf to her afternoon bus driver as well. She likes that she helps make it. In fact, last year she made it all by herself.
threelittlecupcakes Posted November 21, 2007 Posted November 21, 2007 Grassy said: Can't go wrong with a bet Buy gift card for MEN! My oldest is in Preschool this year, and has two female teachers. My son and I are making the layered cookie jar recipes, and wrapping the tops with ribbon etc. I make them every year for my aunts etc. and they are always a big hit. People started giving me the empty jars back to re-sterilize and re-use...almost like they want to make sure I do it again the next year.I have 3 new books with recipes for those that I never got around to using, if you want me to mail them to you for free just pm me your address, i hate to toss them out (I know I won't get around to using them).
BoulderChick Posted November 21, 2007 Posted November 21, 2007 conj said: Got some small wooden star shaped boxes at Michaels. the tops are magnetic and stick to the base. They were 1$ each. DS(7) colored 4 last night (the yellow highlighter looks great!). He used some beads and bells from last years Xmas crafts and made an ornament or bracelet with each of the 4 names on it, and put it in their box. total cost to us - less than 2$ each. Got my Son to color. (priceless). The boxes are a good size for paper clips or the like. Hopefully all will be appropriately thrilled. Great idea! :DI'm sure they will all LOVE these gifts. I bet his Grandparents would Love them too! Happy Thanksgiving!
dpape Posted November 21, 2007 Posted November 21, 2007 I think I am going to take a "Goodies" basket to school for the teachers lounge. I was going to make cookies, candies and fruit bread. I will put the different cookies/candies into "treat bags" and seal them separately. Wrap the bread in saran wrap. put it all together for them all to share - I will take it up just before lunch one day the first week of December (It is a really small school and they all help out) His actual teacher I will probably just get a small gift card to Half Price Books (our favorite book store)
zoemariesmamma Posted November 25, 2007 Posted November 25, 2007 this year I did the bath and bodyworks lotion/soap caddies in apple with a coupon worked out to $10 each and if they hate it they can always return
tlock1945 Posted November 25, 2007 Posted November 25, 2007 My dd's Kind. teacher forgot her camera for the Thanksgiving program, so I am including some photos of the program and I got one of those t-shirts in the online deals thread with a photo of the whole class during the program on it. I think(hope) she will love it.
BoulderChick Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Hi Everyone, I just posted this thread about $1 Magnetic Expressions Charms, Necklaces and Rings in the St. Judes Children's Research Hospital Hope Catalog. I thought they would make cute and thoughtful Teachers gifts.
elena_398 Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 My daughters teacher sent a letter home the day before Thanksgiving break. She asked that she doesn't receive any gifts this year as she has everything. She is into pet rescue so she asked that every student take a pledge to be nice to their animals and help out whenever they can. She said the best gift to her is knowing the kids' pets are taken care of. I thought that was nice. She sent home a cute certificate for them to sign (sort of a pledge) and return it to school. She send that would be a wonderful gift. Being the mom that I am (and also I am in pet rescue) Im still going to get her a $25 GC to a pet store. She constantly goes out at night and feeds stray cats. She jokes to the parents and told us shes known as the "cat lady" in her neighborhood. Haha.
mom2monkiesx3 Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 I personally have 2 kids in elementry school that each have one teacher. I usually get them gift certificates for 30 minute massages through a local spa. My DD also recieves Speech, my youngest is in a PREK program with 7 teachers and I have a dance teacher and gymnastic coach I buy for. For them this year I got Dale And Thomas popcorn sampler packs (4 of them) and plan to divide them up with a small Hastings gift card and other stay at home at watch movies goodies (cokes, candies...ect) Except for the Gymnastic's coach which is for lack of better words kinda hippyish?! He doesn't eat processed foods or drink coke and all that...yes I could say he is just healthy but you guys have NO IDEA!! I haven't a CLUE what to get him...probally a nice holiday plant I guess, that is about all I have come up with besides maybe some music to replace the stuff he plays during DD's sessions:eek:
toninjack Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 I picked up one of the digital photo key chains at Sears on BF for $12.99 for my daughter's teacher.
AZwildcatsR1 Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Being a teacher myself, I like what someone earlier said about "it's the thought that counts." Honestly, I love a handwritten note from a student and/or their parent telling me how much they appreciate me even more than the little trinkets they bring in. In fact, I keep all such notes in a stack in one of my drawers -- any time I'm feeling down or have had a particularly bad day, I take them out and re-read them. :) That being said, I had a really cute gift idea from one student last year that I stole for my own kids' teachers this year . . . a spirit bead necklace (or Mardi Gras beads) with a $5 gift card to Starbucks attached to it (and some ribbon and a little thank you note attached, too) that I had to wear around my neck all day. :) Really cute!
jerseygirl Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 ajdana726 said: Just wondering what you guys if you even do, give your teachers gifts...How many candles can 1 teacher use...I bought very cute egg ornaments off QVC in the summer. the play X-mas carols when they get opened.I've always organized a group gift. A very good friend of mine (and teacher!) thanked me soOoOo much the 1st year I did this that I alway do. She said the same thing - "I've got a closet full of candles & #1 teacher mugs. " A simple Visa gift card given by the entire class goes a long way (my $.02)
sbaldasare Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 I always do a small gift card to Barnes and Noble, but I also wanted to share another approach to the teacher / staff gift giving dilemia. Our Parent's Club places boxes in the different buildings that the pre-school through 6th grade are in. For about 2 weeks the parents can drop cash or check into the box. Only 1 person collects the money and cashes the checks - so NO ONE knows how much the other person gave. That money is tallied up and is then distributed evenly based on whether the staff is full time or part time and includes teachers, secretaries, custodians, cooks, gym, art and music, etc. So everyone is covered. One teacher always picks out something special with the money - like a necklace one year - that she won't have otherwise been able to afford. The full time staff usually gets around 100 and the part time around 60-70.
jbdinos Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 elena_398 said: My daughters teacher sent a letter home the day before Thanksgiving break. She asked that she doesn't receive any gifts this year as she has everything. She is into pet rescue so she asked that every student take a pledge to be nice to their animals and help out whenever they can. She said the best gift to her is knowing the kids' pets are taken care of. I thought that was nice. She sent home a cute certificate for them to sign (sort of a pledge) and return it to school. She send that would be a wonderful gift. Being the mom that I am (and also I am in pet rescue) Im still going to get her a $25 GC to a pet store. She constantly goes out at night and feeds stray cats. She jokes to the parents and told us shes known as the "cat lady" in her neighborhood. Haha.She would probably also enjoy donations to an animal shelter given in her name. Last year my DS9 at the time was in 4th grade and his teacher sent a note home that they were not going to do a gift exchange or teacher gifts. Instead any parent that wanted to give the teacher a gift could donate money and each child that wanted to could donate money they or their parents would have spent on an exchange gift. That money was collected and after they had an idea of the total they took a field trip to walmart and split into two groups and bought for 2 angels from the angel tree. A boy for the boys and a girl for the girls and the kids picked the gifts. Each group split up based on what they needed (hygiene, clothes, toys) and was told how much $ they had. A good lesson in giving, budgeting, shopping wisely, etc. My son loved it so much he wants to ask his teacher this year to do it also. Last year we donated our teacher gift money and our exchange gift money. I also had a 29 dollar plug in play game that I had given 3.00 for on clearance and we donated it also to the little boy on the list. The teacher treated them all to an ice cream cone at McDonald's on the way back to school and they spent the rest of the day wrapping. I wish all the classes would do this. Especially if two or three elementary schools could swap names of needy families within their schools so that the other kids would never know and learn to give anonymously......
kanasia Posted December 5, 2007 Posted December 5, 2007 As a teacher I can tell you that it is not the dollar amount that counts. My favorite things I have recieved are: Post It notes, pens, markers, unusual stampers, note pads especially those with my name on them, educational posters,desk calendars, picture frames, fruit, snack bars, candles are okay but the fire marshall won't let you keep them at school. Almost anything that can be used in the class room...most you can find at the local Dollar Store so you don't have to spend a ton. Another great item is anything you and your child (or the child) have made...Over the years I recieved ornaments that were homemade . I have a tree at home that I adorn with just such items and its a great way to remember the kids. My favorite was a riendeer hear made of abandoned puzzle peices Hope this helped.
baseball mama Posted December 5, 2007 Posted December 5, 2007 Grassy said: Can't go wrong with a bet Buy gift card for MEN! My oldest is in Preschool this year, and has two female teachers. My son and I are making the layered cookie jar recipes, and wrapping the tops with ribbon etc. I make them every year for my aunts etc. and they are always a big hit. People started giving me the empty jars back to re-sterilize and re-use...almost like they want to make sure I do it again the next year. I do the jar recipes too, they are great!
oneannm Posted December 6, 2007 Posted December 6, 2007 My daughters teacher is really into her dogs. I was thinking about getting her a petco or petsmart gift card. Or should I get her a gift, and include something for her dogs (like a bone or treat). I am getting her mail teacher a best buy gift card. How much for a gift card is appropriate?
quiltorama Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 My 6th grade dd wants to give her teacher a $5 Walmart gift card because he told the class he hates Walmart and won't shop there! She is such a wisenheimer.
conj Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 We delivered most of our teacher gifts yesterday (decided to give them all hanukkah gifts!) The kids did crafts for their teachers... ornaments and the like. DS colored and/or painted the 4 Star shaped wood boxes (michaels $1) and made a bracelet with beads, including letter beads spelling out their name. He just about made the beahvioral specialist cry!
citrixgirl Posted December 18, 2007 Posted December 18, 2007 ok I think I am being the big bad person here Ia m going to preface this by saying that my son had a stroke at birth and is a special needs child and I can not ask abstract questions of his like what did u do in school today. I am not getting my son's teacher or therapist any gifts i think the teacher I have asked repeatedly that she let me know what projects that they do each week. He has a personal aid but other then doing diaper changes and getting him to transfer from activities i have no idea what she does. His therapist are better at telling me what they are doing but I don't really talk to them all that much. His OT I have never even met though I have tried to be in the school at the same time she was. I don't mean to be mean but if people are just doing there job why should i reinforce just doing your job and those that are not doing there jobs why should I give them anything.
siczlo Posted December 18, 2007 Posted December 18, 2007 Stick to gift cards...Grocery, Target, Teacher Store, Restaurant, nail or salon place, Gasoline...They're ALWAYS much appreciated!! After a few years of teaching, teachers have enough candles, ornaments, bath stuff. (Speaking from experience!) I have enough teaching ornaments to fill 4 or 5 trees! The funniest ornaments are the one "homemade" ones the kids make themselves,(with their own picture!) so I can remember them for years to come!LOL It was a joke in my school on who would get this one kid next year because the teacher always got a $100 GC for Mario Tricocci (sp?) salon.Teachers arguing "I'll take 'em!" Another idea is for a room parent to coordinate $5.oo from each student to get one large amount giftcard.
siczlo Posted December 18, 2007 Posted December 18, 2007 oneannm said: My daughters teacher is really into her dogs. I was thinking about getting her a petco or petsmart gift card. Or should I get her a gift, and include something for her dogs (like a bone or treat).I am getting her mail teacher a best buy gift card. How much for a gift card is appropriate? Any amount is appreciated. I would say $10 is average. $5.00 is better than another candle, and any amount over $10 gets bragging rights in the teacher's lounge!
siczlo Posted December 18, 2007 Posted December 18, 2007 citrixguy said: ok I think I am being the big bad person here Ia m going to preface this by saying that my son had a stroke at birth and is a special needs child and I can not ask abstract questions of his like what did u do in school today.I am not getting my son's teacher or therapist any gifts i think the teacher I have asked repeatedly that she let me know what projects that they do each week. He has a personal aid but other then doing diaper changes and getting him to transfer from activities i have no idea what she does. His therapist are better at telling me what they are doing but I don't really talk to them all that much. His OT I have never even met though I have tried to be in the school at the same time she was.I don't mean to be mean but if people are just doing there job why should i reinforce just doing your job and those that are not doing there jobs why should I give them anything.I'm sorry you feel that way. Maybe you could arrange a day to hang out in the classroom so you can witness first hand what's going on. If you're not satisfied, talk to the principal and share your concerns. Parents shouldn't feel this way about a teacher, who probably spends more awake time with your child then you do. Parents and teachers have the same goal. Success of the child. You should really talk to the principal if you feel you're not getting anywhere with the teacher.
siczlo Posted December 18, 2007 Posted December 18, 2007 princez916 said: I commend all of you, I stopped doing teacher gifts years ago. Between three kids there are 20+ teachers, not to mention coaches that spend as much time with them a week as the teachers, if not more. I just can't afford it. With them all being teenagers, the making a card idea isn't realistic and wouldn't be heartfelt. At these ages, they don't appreciate what their teachers do for them, they will later on though. I also couldn't justify it to dh since we stopped buying presents for his nieces and nephews because there are just too many of them now.How about giving each teacher/coach a personalized brownie or larger then average size cookie? Your kids (any age) will have fun making them, and include a small card with the special family recipe. Or a saying like...I (meaning the child) took time out of my busy life to make you this special treat because I appreciate all the time you take out of your life to mentor me!...Merry Christmas!!!
siczlo Posted December 18, 2007 Posted December 18, 2007 quiltorama said: My 6th grade dd wants to give her teacher a $5 Walmart gift card because he told the class he hates Walmart and won't shop there! She is such a wisenheimer.Funny...Maybe you could find a T-Shirt with one of those Wal-Mart smiley faces LOL:cheesy:
dereksmommy Posted December 18, 2007 Posted December 18, 2007 my gd's kindergarten teacher sent home a note saying that she would like stuff for the classroom instead of gifts, things like playdoh, disposible cameras gift cards for film developing etc
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