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Help -- Yellow Rocket Ship ???? needed for DS

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He wants one to play with..he drew me a picture. He said he has never seen one before he just used his imagination and wants one. lol He said it needs to be a toy he can play with and that he does not need to actually get in it, just one he can play with and pretend it is in outer space. I told him it may not be able to be yellow, and he understood so at least I have a little leeway there. I would go for the Little Einstein's Pat Pat, but I won't press my luck.


Thanks for the help. :)

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ooh - neat! this amazon one is the "Paz" from TLC version of the Target one I just posted - weird - it almost looks like a copyright violation! I have seen the one I posted in several catalogs, all for about $40 unfortunately, but maybe if you google it you can find it cheaper somewhere. Target's website says it is not available in stores. Too bad because I have it on my Amazon wish list for my son for Christmas too. He is absolutely obsessed with rockets of all kinds. He just turned 3. :)




p.s. my kids received a Bazoongi brand circus tent (it is huge and well made) for their birthdays this year. My MIL paid $100 for it from a catalog, but I was just at Target and saw that they now carry it there for only $50 and they also sell a rocket ship tent by the same brand. It is silver, not yellow, but cool looking. :)

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