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TRU $5 coupon 9/28?????????????????


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UPDATE! I asked the store manager about this today, and he told me that they aren't supposed to start giving those out until tomorrow! So all you lucky ones are really lucky! Hopefully I can make it tomorrow (Sunday) and they'll still have them. I went to the birthday event today to give my 4yo DS something special to do while DS1 went to baseball. Fun, but nothing really special unless you wanted the $5 off Nintendo DS game coupon.
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Bad news for me. I went today and they had no idea what I was talking about. I had to go to a different store, so I had them call the one I went to yesterday. They ended up giving me an Imaginarium booklet ad that had a $10 off a $150 purchase for October. Not bad if I intended to spend that much, but I'd rather have the one you guys got. If anyone scores a spare, I'll happily pay postage, just PM me. Ugh!
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