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My daughter will be travelling to Europe this summer and I need to find out the most cost efficient way to stay in touch? Any suggestions? She does not have a cell phone. Please help!:confused:
International phone cards, Walmart has them, just check which countries they are good in, they say on the back of them. I'm not sure if you can use your cell phone over there anyways, we had to get my grandma a special one that she could use in Europe, it needed some chip in it or something.

definitely phone cards. or, she can just hop into any internet cafe - usage time is actually pretty affordable. i think in london it was only a couple of pounds at most per hour, and paris was a couple of euros at most.


i bought a 10 pound calling card when i was at paddington station in london, and that gave me a TON of calling time, with low connection fees and i could use it in paris also. (actually i could use it in most of europe to call the US, and i called my mom... every two days and my bf nearly every day.)

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