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WOOT-OFF just started


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For those that are used to using Woot (I'm a newbie as far as actually purchasing anything)...when the BOC comes up and you want to order more than one...how exactly do you change the qty? I clicked on "I want one" and it brings me to the order page, of course, showing just one + shipping, etc. I know you can order more than one item on Woot, but how?? :confused:
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For those that are used to using Woot (I'm a newbie as far as actually purchasing anything)...when the BOC comes up and you want to order more than one...how exactly do you change the qty? I clicked on "I want one" and it brings me to the order page, of course, showing just one + shipping, etc. I know you can order more than one item on Woot, but how?? :confused:


For this particular Woot-Off they are only allowing you to order 1 BOC. In each BOC there are going to be at least three craps in it. This way, it is actually easier and QUICKER to order!



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Well, I seem to have shot myself in the foot on the last several BOC offerings then! :eek: I've gotten as far as the order page, saw no way to chg the qty and backed up to try again...thus not getting one every time! UGH! Okay, back to Woot to watch for more crap! :eyepoppin I'm learning...someday I'll get my own crap! :tongue1:


Thanks for the quick response, by the way. :)

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