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Surprisingly, I don't think their clothing prices are all that bad. My mom buys most of my boys clothes from there. I think the one piece outfits (long sleeve, button at the crotch,long legs) were only 11.99 or somewhere close to that and that was regular price. You can find some really great clearance deals in there even when it's not an extra 30% off.

Grrr I remember years ago I went to Charleston South Carolina and they have a market place. My DD was 9 months at the time. I found this vendor that was selling beautiful "hand embroidery and shadow embroidery" dresses, I think I paid $25. He said he had family in the Phillipiens that made them. Beautiful little dresses.


When I got back I was shopping at Babies R Us and FOUND THE SAME DRESS!!!! I was suckered!!! and kicked myself for a long time!!!

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