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Found: Space Bags

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I got some holiday space bags at Christmas and one of them tore right across the zipper the first time I tried to use it. I wrote to the Space Bag company and they said to send them the UPC code cut out from the bag and they would replace any defective space bags. It seems like I have problems with about half of mine staying sealed so I plan on sending them several UPC codes and keep trying till they all work.
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Got a set at Bed, Bath and Beyond. Half of them did not seal, so I wrote the company and they told me to send them the logo cut from the faulty bags. I did that and a month later, got replacement bags. Have not tried them yet. The problem seems to be in the zipper seal. You can hear a hiss when they do not seal. NOT worth the money they charge for them. Luckily, I had a GC. Wish I had bought something else....


I used mine to store "off season" bedding in them.

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I bought some a few years back to store comforters, extra pillows, etc. They sealed fine, "smooshed" everything down like they were supposed to...then they ripped, one by one. :gdparanoid: Bought some new ones at a local store figuring I must have done something wrong...same thing, bag material was very thin and ripped easily. Went to Walmart and bought Rubbermaid containers instead...obviously not space saving, but they haven't ripped yet. ;)
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