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High School Musical stuff

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My DD is a big High School Musical fan. Has anyone seen anything from the movie for sale. We got her the 2 t-shirts that the Disney Store had, the bag from Limited 2, pillow from Disney Store and the HSM DVD game. Has anyone seen anything else. I would love to start p/u things for her for Valentines and Easter, not to mention her birthday is coming up in several months.


Thanks for any help.

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My daughter is a HUGE HSM fan as well. For Christmas, I found a shirt at Goody's for $7.50, then I made her some custom capri's with iron-on patches and ribbon around each leg. (Using loops of ribbon..I make these for all holidays, etc..the girls love them and they look so cute with striped tights or socks under them!)


I also found HSM pins (buttons) on Ebay really cheap.. a set of 6 for less than $4. Ebay is a plethora of HSM goodies.

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You probably know they're touring..is the concert coming to your area?

Thanks everyone. I knew if stuff was out there you guys would be able to tell me.


Yes, I know about the tour. We are going to the show on Monday night 1/8. Mom and Dad bought the tixs but when Grandpa gave us money to get her something we decided to have him give them to her for Xmas. You should have heard the screaming that went on. She was happier about that than getting the Wii which both DS & DD wanted.:) We are going to the show with two of her best friends and their Moms. "Girls night out"


I just checked ebay and I was so surprised to see so much. I checked a few months ago and there was nothing. I guess the craze is worse than I thought. I found 2 light switch plates which I think would be cute for her to put in her new room when we move into our new house in June (In the process of building).


My Sister also just called and she was at Kohl's today and they have pajamas and under wear. DD found out about that and I have to take her shopping this weekend, she has a pajama party coming up at school for meeting her class' reading counts amount for the current marking period and she wants to wear the PJs there. Good thing she has money left over from Christmas.


Thanks everyone, if you find more suggestions let me know.

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If she is into posters, I found some at Walmart. Believe it or not my son is totally into the movie. We are also going to the show in January.

Ahh..the reminds me! My daughter has the posters from Walmart, but Santa left her a couple of the pre-teen/teen magazines in her stocking this year that were full of High School Musical photos and posters. :D

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Thanks everyone. We went to the HSM concert on Monday and now she is even more crazy about them. Went to Kohls and they had pjs 50% off plus another 15% off if you have their card. She has a pajama party on Friday next week that I know what she is wearing to.


I will check out the new Macy's that opened at our mall and see what they have. My DD is going to be thrilled and I know she will be sending tons of thanks to you guys.

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They did have the disney mix stick mp3 player at disneystore online. I got the nightmare before christmas one for myself, I am 30 :) They are about 50 bucks and they have the whole theme of high school musical on them, orange and all.


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