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Prada Women's Handbag $199 - Amazon.com


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Can't we leave the nasty/OT comments off of the thread and leave this for people that may want to find the deal? (Not me, too expensive for my tastes)


Guess I should have included a smiley to indicate it was a joke? After all, a poster above had asked what makes the bags so expensive...I was just trying to give my answer to the question. Sorry to have affected your day so negatively. :rolleyes:


On topic: The bag above is a very beautiful and colorful bag. I'll bet the calf was a beautifully colored one also. Prada is also too expensive though for me also, but maybe one day if I save enough with other good deals here.... But the price does seem good for Prada!


Also, alimfp, perhaps we could afford one of these bags anyway... this company seems to rent expensive handbags for people who want them for special occasions: http://frombagstoriches.com/productcart/pc/


Loving this website!

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