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HELP! Need Black Friday CC Circular


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:mad: I am so angry with CC!!!

I didn't realize it in all the frenzy.. but was charged the regular price for 2 DVD box sets on Fri. morning. They charged me $39.99 each for the "South Park" & "Rescue Me" sets that were on special.


When I went back today to have the error corrected, she said they didn't have a BlacK Friday circular left in the store & didn't know what the advertised price was. She said she was willing to give them to me for $19.99 each since I had no proof. Of course, I told her "NO way!!" because I waited in line all those hours & the BF price was something like $12.99.


Could anyone PLEASE scan the pages of the circular that have these box sets so I can bring it down to the manager?


If I can't prove the price, I'm just going to bring them back for a full refund & never shop CC again.

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