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tmx elmo will be there breaking news


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(Subsequent to the initial publication of this story, Toys 'R' Us informed CNNMoney.com that the company was notified by its supplier late Wednesday that there "was a high probability" the retailer will have T.M.X. Elmo in its stores over Black Friday and the weekend.)
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At my TRU they had tons!! I was the 10th person in and stayed for about a hour and when I went to leave they still had tons. I even made a comment to my friend that no one was buying them and we started doing "cart checks" and I did not see ONE person with one, we thought it was weird.
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I was there at Toys R us at 4:30 simply because the other stores I wanted to hit didn't open until 6:00. We got in line to go in and get a few things and at about 5:40 the clerk came out with tickets for Elmo TMX $39.99


I got one and my friend got one. You could only get one per family. Funny thing is that when we checked out they made you purchase a $4.99 one year service agreement...a service agreement for Elmo???? And you had to buy it or you didn't get one??? The reason? Elmo has been known to giggle himself off countertops, tables, and anything else he is on when you tickle him and break.


That was comical. Why didn't they just say we want to charge everybody $5 bucks extra...


Oh well, I will be the hero when my kids open theirs!

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At first glance, I thought that our TRU had tons of Elmos, but once I looked closer I realized that the big stack of Elmos were all Spanish speaking. I think it's the English-speaking Elmos that are selling out fast, though I don't know why. Giggling sounds the same in any language...


They finally did put out some English speaking Elmos at our TRU, and I grabbed one, but the pallet of about 40 that they put out where gone in under 15 minutes. I'd report the TRU that required customers to buy service agreements to the home office. It sounds like someone was just skimming money...

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