AaronOnline Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 Ok, here are some basic survival tips I have picked up along the way, through the forums, and off from some YouTube videos that I have posted and/or viewed recently. Might help you all out and I welcome more suggestions if I should miss anything. 1) Come early. The longer the line the less chance you will get what you came for and, more importantly, the longer the line the more ornery the people tend to be. Tempers tend to flare when people are upset about being the 127th person in line and everyone else wants what they want. 2) Bring a coat, hat, and some gloves. Best bet (depending on locale) is to dress in layers so, if it is warmer you can remove some clothing but you can always put it back on as temperatures plummit during the evening and morning hours. A blanket or two would not hurt as well. 3) Bring a friend. Though they might not be purchasing anything, having someone to chat with and goof off with will make time move just that much quicker. Also, this person can now hold your place in line as you leave to use the restroom, get something to eat, etc. and vice versa. 4) Bring some snacks and a drink or two in order to keep yourself nourished while waiting (depending on the time of your arrival). Nothing is worse than being in a line for many hours and having a sweet tooth or craving a McDonalds double cheeseburger. (So yummy at $.99) 5) Keep your money in an inside pocket or somewhere well away from the hands of strangers. Sounds like common sense but, as the people all smash together at store open, it is amazingly easy for that "bump" or "shove" to actually be someone trying to gain access to your cash flow and, thereby, ruining you shopping day. 6) Bring a radio or, even better, an iPod or some form of personal MP3 player so as not to make others listen to your Madonna or Gwen Stefani music. This will help time go by a little bit and partially keep your mind off the time dragging slowly by as you wait in anticipation. The (what if factor) 7) If someone seems a bit less than hospitable with you, do NOT argue or get in a confrontation. When templers flare, it is always best to apologize even when you are right than to risk a physical confrontation and have to leave due to an injury or the police giving you a holiday present of shiny new handcuffs. 8) If you fall during the initial flood of people moving into the store, crawl (quickly) to your right or left to get to the sides of the area where the traffic is a bit thinner. Many people every year actually get trampled by those behind them during the initial minutes after store open. Protect your fingers and move quickly. 9) If someone disputes your right to a particular piece of merchandise, alert the first store employee possible INSTEAD of arguing your point. This will help quell a possible "incident" and the employee can normally squash the problem then and there and, if need be, have any unruly parties escorted from the store. 10) Do not be the person who fights over Tickle Me Elmo or some such piece of merchandise. If you come to your area and find there are no more, just accept your loss and focus on what you still CAN purchase. We all know supplies run short, especially on Black Friday, but there is no need to cause an altercasion over something that is no more. Breathe in and out, deep breaths, and move on. Well all have lists and there is just no reason to be upset for someone who came to a store to get the same item you did. 11) Do NOT let someone "take a look" at what you are holding. Time and time again they grab it and go walking leading to a confrontation. 12) Do NOT let those nice young men in the parking lot help you load your gifts into your car. You just might not have gifts or a car when they are done. If you decline and they ask again, turn and move back towards the store and inform the first store employee you find. Sure, it might be nothing but it could also be everything you thought it to be. This time of year brings out the worst in some people. Well, I could go on and on but the rest would basically say to drive carefully as MANY people are out driving to the same places you are, walk carefully because they are still driving around you as you make your way to the store, and be kind to those around you. I hope this helps you all out and I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas.
redlotus Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 Just a couple of things to add:13. Get to know the people around you in line. It can never hurt to have new friends in the "field of battle" :) Find out what they are going for, particularly the non-ticketted items. If you have a couple of things in common, you might be able to grab two of one while your new "friend" can grab two of the other. This can be especially important if you're in line by yourself.14. Don't plan on letting 20 of your friends and family join you in line just before the store opens (or just before they start handing out tickets). This is a sure-fire way to become the least popular person in line. Just think how you would feel if you sat in line all night and then suddenly went from number 2 in line to number 22. If you insist on having friends join you, make sure that they are there well before they start handing out tickets.15. If you are going with a friend and you're buying a large number of items, one person should be the "cart-pusher" and the other person a "runner". It's not easy getting a cart through traffic to get each item. It's much easier to grab things as an individual and then dump them into the cart as your hands become overloaded.16. In cold climates, don't forget the hand-warmers. For a couple of bucks, these things can make life so much more comfortable by warming up your cold extremities. Also, if you put one on the back of your neck, it can help warm your entire body (insert typical legal jargon that I'm not a medical doctor, I take no responsibility for your actions, etc. here) Thats all that I can think of for now. Hope everyone has a fun and safe BF experience. -red **edit** Forgot a big one: price-matching. Make sure to bring in competitors' ads and price match as much as possible. Depending on the store, you may even be able to get an item that is rebated at the after-rebate price from their competitor. This isn't guaranteed, though, so don't get mad at the employee if they won't do it.
LadyIzShy Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 have someone you know bring hot coffee about 4am..enough for the peopel in line around you. those people WILL remember you
AaronOnline Posted November 22, 2006 Author Posted November 22, 2006 Very good tips redlotus and thank you for adding to my list. From the lack of responses, I am assuming I hit on most everything and you hit what I didn't so I guess that is a very good thing. Man it is going to be hell !
deelite Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 redlotus said: Just a couple of things to add:13. Get to know the people around you in line. It can never hurt to have new friends in the "field of battle" :) Find out what they are going for, particularly the non-ticketted items. If you have a couple of things in common, you might be able to grab two of one while your new "friend" can grab two of the other. This can be especially important if you're in line by yourself.14. Don't plan on letting 20 of your friends and family join you in line just before the store opens (or just before they start handing out tickets). This is a sure-fire way to become the least popular person in line. Just think how you would feel if you sat in line all night and then suddenly went from number 2 in line to number 22. If you insist on having friends join you, make sure that they are there well before they start handing out tickets.15. If you are going with a friend and you're buying a large number of items, one person should be the "cart-pusher" and the other person a "runner". It's not easy getting a cart through traffic to get each item. It's much easier to grab things as an individual and then dump them into the cart as your hands become overloaded.16. In cold climates, don't forget the hand-warmers. For a couple of bucks, these things can make life so much more comfortable by warming up your cold extremities. Also, if you put one on the back of your neck, it can help warm your entire body (insert typical legal jargon that I'm not a medical doctor, I take no responsibility for your actions, etc. here) Thats all that I can think of for now. Hope everyone has a fun and safe BF experience. -red Academy Sports (and other places I am sure) sales the FOOTWARMERS heat pad. It is an actual insole that covers the padding of the foot. They also carry the Toe Warmers and the both last up to 8 hours. I am picking up a ski cap ( the ones that you can see only the eyes) and regular goggles (to keep the air from tearing and drying out my eyes). If I am going to stand in 35 degree cold for 10+ hours, I want to be ready!:)
AaronOnline Posted November 22, 2006 Author Posted November 22, 2006 I will be picking up some gloves and a ski mask of some kind (if I can find them for this huge Charlie Brown head of mine) tonight and, possible, at least a handwarmer although I am gonna be camped out with a small propane heater to ward off the chill.
chase050280 Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 If I have to wait in line at BestBuy, I am bringing Tequila in a sports bottle. That, and my video ARCHOS player to watch some TV shows I need to catch up on. But i'm not really that worried. If I don't feel like doing it or if it's crazier than I think, i'll just spend the extra 178 dollars and get my plasma at Circuit City. It's not that big a difference. I can afford it.
bjy20716 Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 Where do you all goto the bathroom if you are waiting for 5-6 hours? Drive home and back like 2 hours before the store opens?
krolyat Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 Any one know of any local (MD) places or chain stores to buy the handwarmers? They used to sell them at the Dollar Tree around the corner but oddly enough they sold out of them. Thanks in advance.
sdaredevil Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 bjy20716 said: Where do you all goto the bathroom if you are waiting for 5-6 hours?Drive home and back like 2 hours before the store opens?The Best Buy I'm going to has a 24 hour Ralphs next door.
krolyat Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 krolyat said: Any one know of any local (MD) places or chain stores to buy the handwarmers? They used to sell them at the Dollar Tree around the corner but oddly enough they sold out of them. Thanks in advance.nvm found them and got them a few min. ago at a local Walmart. They were bringing out a lot of the sale items and unwrapping them this evening.
wz33 Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 just a tip form a previous black friday, Even though they may say they ran out of a specific item, if you really want it look around. I was too late for a 25 dollar mp3 player once, and snooped around. Sitting underneath a cash register was one, and I quickly asked if it wad taken. The cashier said somebody didn't want it, do I quickly bought it. Don't loose hope, and even if there are none left, don't get violent, there will always be more sales!
BayAreaKing Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 Question...should I get the cart after getting my stuff or right when the store opens? also, if I get one of those tickets, Im guranteed that item till like 11, right? So, does that mean I can just buy the non-ticketed stuff before?
yoshi72 Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 also, if I get one of those tickets, Im guranteed that item till like 11, right? So, does that mean I can just buy the non-ticketed stuff before? From my experience last year I would say yes. I got the Kodak Digital Camera last year and had a ticket for it. The workers would only hand the cameras out to people who had a ticket so I went off to shop for everything else first.
Sigyn Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 lol good pointers!! They are already lineing up here... Im packing on the layers tomorrow, I got a cd player, drinks, and a buddy! Im pretty much set hehe
redlotus Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 BayAreaKing said: Question...should I get the cart after getting my stuff or right when the store opens? also, if I get one of those tickets, Im guranteed that item till like 11, right? So, does that mean I can just buy the non-ticketed stuff before?If you are shopping with a friend/relative, I would get the cart as you enter the store. If you're alone however, I would not recommend a cart at all--they just slow you down. Once again, if you are alone, get to know the people in line with you. They may be willing to help you out. Once you have a ticket, you are guaranteed to receive that item until a certain time (ask the employee that you get the ticket from because it can vary by store). I've found that it is best to grab all non-ticketted items first and then go back and get the ticketted stuff. OTOH, I wouldn't recommend going through the checkout for the non-ticketted items and then coming back into the store for the ticketted items. I've done that the last two years and it usually takes about an hour to an hour and a half to get through the line a second time. You would think that I'd learn my lesson in one year, but I can be kinda slow sometimes:razz: HTH,-red
AaronOnline Posted November 23, 2006 Author Posted November 23, 2006 I dropped by the Best Buy we plan to go to RedLotus.. I know you said you and wife were planning to also. Did ya make it ? They have 23 of the eMachines in stock so that gives me a little hope. They actually seem to have a pretty good stock in. Only a couple things I saw were at the minimum and I did some "selective placing" to try and ensure I get one. Hehehehe
BayAreaKing Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 Im bringing 2 other friends with me and I was wondering if I can do this at Best Buy: 1 person gets the cart, 1 person gets the items, and 1 person waits in line. Do u think they'll allow a person to wait in line while someone else gets the items?
AaronOnline Posted November 23, 2006 Author Posted November 23, 2006 I think that is pushing it WAY too much and you might have some problems. I know I would have a problem with someone doing that and, at 6 foot 3 and 320 Lbs. and carrying a crutch, that is one BIG problem. Now, you could have someone grab a cart and just meet ya where ya wanna load up but there is no "saving places" in the checkout line. That is ignorant, rude, and, well, this time of year, dangerous.
BayAreaKing Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 AaronOnline said: I think that is pushing it WAY too much and you might have some problems. I know I would have a problem with someone doing that and, at 6 foot 3 and 320 Lbs. and carrying a crutch, that is one BIG problem. Now, you could have someone grab a cart and just meet ya where ya wanna load up but there is no "saving places" in the checkout line. That is ignorant, rude, and, well, this time of year, dangerous.lol, thanks, yeah, I bet it is dangerous now that I think of it
AaronOnline Posted November 23, 2006 Author Posted November 23, 2006 I would say to get there about 4am (hehehe) Ok, ok..it would be too late then. I say about 11pm or so would be fine depending what Best Buy (or whatever store) you plan on going to.
OhYesItsHeather Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 How good are my chances at getting those 20" TV's?
AaronOnline Posted November 23, 2006 Author Posted November 23, 2006 Well, I would have to say that it would depend on your local Best Buy store and the crowd it draws in. Now cross that with the store minimum on that item and what time you plan on showing up. It's all in the math. Basically, come very early to be in line and, the closer to the front you are, the better your odds.
redlotus Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 AaronOnline said: I dropped by the Best Buy we plan to go to RedLotus.. I know you said you and wife were planning to also. Did ya make it ? They have 23 of the eMachines in stock so that gives me a little hope. They actually seem to have a pretty good stock in. Only a couple things I saw were at the minimum and I did some "selective placing" to try and ensure I get one. HeheheheI did stop by, but it was too early for them to be setting up for BF. Gotta a good look at the two screens I'm planning on buying and I think that I'll be happy with them. I'm actually surprised that they only have 23 PC systems. I thought they had closer to twice that last year. Of course, that was at the East Beltline store, which might get a bit more stock. Did you happen to see how many notebooks they had--I forgot to check. -red
redlotus Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 BayAreaKing said: Im bringing 2 other friends with me and I was wondering if I can do this at Best Buy: 1 person gets the cart, 1 person gets the items, and 1 person waits in line. Do u think they'll allow a person to wait in line while someone else gets the items?Like Aaron said, I wouldn't recommend it. It would be better to have one cart-pusher and two runners. You should be able to grab stuff quick enough that you won't spend too much time in the check-out line. -red
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