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kodak camera


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I was just a 2 different Targets in my area (central Florida) and neither one had the Kodak c633 camera that is being shown on the front cover of Friday's circular for $98 (although I saw plenty of other items in the store from the circular). I asked an employee while in each store and neither one knew anything about it either. I'm not seeing things -- it does say C633 on the ad doesn't it? Last year i was able to walk in early in the week -- buy what I wanted and have it price adjusted on Friday/Saturday. Anyone have any ideas?
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I just bought this camera online and with this code got a 10% discount TCRCPTAB. my total with tax and S&H was 99.07. cheaper than buying it in the store. Hope this helps. I also am in the central florida area.

I got the camera offline also. Used same code.

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I looked for the C33 online at Target....not there. I did notice that they have the 533 available on-line. I am guessing that's what they bought on-line - it's around the same price......


Think I'll stick to getting it at the store....going early anyway... course now is has to be cold in S.Florida this week!

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weird....when you search or it on-line through target you cannot find it...but if you follow the link that gottadeal provides, you can locate it...why is that?



either way, I snagged me one...and I am happy to say I am on the side that got one before they went out of stock...I was unlucly last week when the FUJI 6.3 MP went on sale for 98 at BB.

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It has only been out in the UK so its hard to find information about it, but it is very similar to the C643. I bought it yesterday in store and I love it.

I couldn't find anything on it also, and only got UK sites while searching it.


I would like to know have you used it? Is it easy to use and what is the pic quality like? On the digital camera thread all I read is how Canon is a much better brand camera. This is my first digital camera and want to make sure I got something half way descent. I figured for the price and specs it should be descent. Just need it for taking pics of kids, family, their games, etc.


Thanks for any info you can give me on it.:)

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