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any info yet on a PS2 bundle for low prices?


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I can't afford the PS3 or even the Wii right now (out of work due to car wreck :( )


Lucky me tho, my son isnt asking for those, he wants a PS2. He has only ever had a gamecube, has 40 or so games, so i'm happy with this request. He is only asking for guitar hero's (not sure if he wants 1 or 2)


Any good deals in the works for BF? Does anyone think they will hit the 100 or lower mark due to the PS3's? Thanks so much, i really appreciate it!

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Barring a secret Thanksgiving-only ad (ala Wal Mart style), I doubt that there will be any PS2's for less then $100. The lowest I've seen is $129 at several retailors on Black Friday. In fact, you can get a used one for that price right now at stores such as Game Crazy and EB Games.
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yeah i saw that but i'm hoping to buy somewhere like wallyworld, since if it breaks it can be returned. I mean i know they have a 3 month policy but if you bring the original box in with everything even after a year they will usually let you just exchange..


I love overstock, but they tend to get refurbished stuff. Our gamecube has lasted 8 years and still works great, unfortunatly i don't think ps2 has the same longevity. My 10 yr old is hard on his stuff. Leaves that gc on 24/7

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