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Is anything missing in your walmart?


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I found one little touch leap pad on clearance for $10.00.. i went back to look because my daughter is 2.5, and they are from 6-36 months, and the regular one is 4+, and I couldn't find those either. That's kinda weird.


And I wonder if they will lower the art easel on bf, because the little sticker where it should have been said 69.97

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I found one little touch leap pad on clearance for $10.00.. i went back to look because my daughter is 2.5, and they are from 6-36 months, and the regular one is 4+, and I couldn't find those either. That's kinda weird.


And I wonder if they will lower the art easel on bf, because the little sticker where it should have been said 69.97

lets hope because i have been trying to find a better deal on it for my 2.5 year old!!! Come on walmart!!!!:crossfing

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I dunno, havent been there in a few days, have to run up tonight to get my daughter some feathers for her Indian costume (report) Im gonna look around!


My head is starting to spin with all the walmart craziness:runaway: :2roller::g_shrug::juggle::bonk::gd_stars:


Im gonna be shopping there reguardless so I wish the would just spit it out of whats REALLY going on.

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you know, i have probably spent thousands of hours on here in the last month.. but every deal is so awful now, I've kinda lost all hope. I think I'm in a BF Funk.

I feel the same way, I thought maybe it was just me. I find most the BF sales lacking, and I had almost all my Xmas shopping done by this time last year. Deals in general have been crap.

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I have most of my shopping done.. a few things I wanna pick up, but aren't necessary for christmas. We could have it tomorrow if needed.. minus extended family.


This year, I've been obsessively stalking the online deals page, and I've been shopping since the first of October, and haven't really went anywhere. My closet is overflowing. But Bf is my day, and a great tradition around here. I want to want to go.. just can't get them juices flowing. Besides the fact that we broke records the past 2 weeks with highs in the 80s and 90s. It turned cold yesterday, with a 2 inches of supposed snow that didn't come and it's in the 50's today.. it seems that all this wait and getting such a jump on things ruined the rushed, hectic, christmas spirit.


Thanks for empathizing!!!

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well as a walmart emplyee yes some people do tell u they know nothing but if u were to ask me i would tell u what i know:) i am 95 percent sure there will be no TMX elmos this year and i know the only ones i have seen is the xmas ones. we have the zebra things on our floor right now it all kinda depends what store u go to. also we got our ads into for BF so keep a look out!!
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