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Anyone heard about nightowl specials at WalMart on Thanksgiving


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I think every Walmart is different. Where I live I would travel to one store and it was open 24 hours and at that store you could roam around the store, or get in a line in the electronics department for a specific sale item, but you couldn't touch the stuff til 5am and they would announce it over the intercom. That was truly nice because you didn't have to stay outside in the cold. However, at the store 10 minutes from me the store was closed and you had to wait outside in line and there were people that rushed in from their cars and cut and nothing irritates me more than people that show dis-respect for those individual that took the time to get up early and stand in that ridiculous line to get in and get the great sales.


I was terribly dissappointed in my Walmart last year. I'm near a new Walmart this year and I don't know how they're doing their BF sale but I hope they're nice about it. I for one am thinking about going to TRU first, then Target, then maybe Walmart. I'm sick of the nut cases at Walmart that feel you have to duke it out over a Cabbage Patch kid. The one year that I stood in line for a Gameboy there was a couple of people that were trying to cut in line and I stood my ground and was very nice and told them that we all had been waiting in line for 45 minutes for a Gameboy and that is was truly unfair for them to cut and make my child suffer because you didn't get here before me. That factored with the fact that everyone in line was on my side.....needless to say, they ended up going to the back of the line. They did end up getting a Gameboy so I only proved my point. Sometimes you don't get what you want, but that whole statement....."The early bird gets the worm." I believe that to be true.


OK, getting off my soap box and know this has nothing to do with Turkey day sales, but wanted to let everyone know that I think that it depends on your Walmart as to when and if they will be open at specific times. If you can ask your Walmart and they're nice enough, they should at least let you know if you're going to be standing outside in the cold or be able to stand in lines inside. That way you can prepare for the weather (do I need one cup of coffee or a Thermos with heated socks and mittens LOLOL!!)

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I don't know about other states, but the SUpercentersin Missouri will be open on Thanksgiving all day and will NOT close that evening. There are also no special deals Thanksgiving night, just BF deals that will start at 5 am. The stores here will not be closing for a meeting.
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I live in Georgia and in my town is 24 hours Supercenter Walmart. I asked if they was going to close early for Thanksgiving to get ready for BF and they said no that they would be open regular hours. I hope mine is going to have the nightowl special, cause I am planning to Walmart about 10 pm.
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I don't know about other states, but the SUpercentersin Missouri will be open on Thanksgiving all day and will NOT close that evening. There are also no special deals Thanksgiving night, just BF deals that will start at 5 am. The stores here will not be closing for a meeting.

Last year the Walmart in Indep closed and didn't open until 5. Not sure about the other Walmarts. Do you have confirmation from higher up that WMs in MO will remain open and we just can't touch the merchandise until then? That would be totally sweet :o)

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Looks like Walmart is trying to split their sales in different days... If this nightowl special is confirmed, there will be 3 sales days in November. Maybe they want to split the crowds, to avoid too much confusion? Seems that they sometimes have problems in controlling crowds, and organizing doorbuster sales...
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I'm just as anxious as everyone else to see the actual Wal-Mart Black Friday ad, and the funny thing is is that I even happen to work at a 24-hour Wal-Mart and even *I* don't know what will be going on sale.


All of my info has come from lovely sites like this where the info gets leaked or whatever, so I guess I was kinda offended that some people here want to say that employees know things but are just making excuses or holding back, when that isn't always the case! If I had anything to go on I would share, but to be honest with big sales like this, even managers are never sure on the pinpoint details.


Now of course each Wal-Mart should know if they will be open or not, but in other details, it gets a bit more complicated. For instance, with this PS3 coming out tonight, we had tons of calls yesterday and all we could say was that it was limited quantities and that they weren't allowing people to camp out or even line up in the store; they had to be outside in the pouring rain.


Pretty awful, I know, but after speaking to management I found out that they weren't even sure how many they were getting in, but they were anticipating less than 10.

But anyway, to say that employees know all of these things is just plain ignorant. You can't get respect if you don't give it. But I'll get off the soapbox now :fluffy:

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Our Walmart is 24hours, but went there today and they have a sign that say the will be closing on thanskigiving day at midnight

Oh, I hate people who use the term midnight, since it could mean TWO possibilities


Wednesday 11:59 p.m + 1 min


Thursday 11:59 p.m + 1 min


So you might want to verify which one is true..since if is the later, then maybe they MIGHT have specials on Thursday.

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if the 24 hour stores ran a special on meals, they'd make a killing...they may THINK they'll thin out the crowds, but I wonder how many are planning on just camping out for the long haul!!! :gdmornincoffee:

Yeah.... but well, they had the laptop deal before, and that may thin out the crowds a little.

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i guess i gotta go and check out the times for our wally world, if they open @ 12 I will go and scope the areas and inform the wife when she wakies @ 4, so she will no where to go just incase they dont have any maps,..... i will walk to a pallet and see right through it like Superman
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