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Christmas Tradition Carried On


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My mother-in-law started this with every grandchild born. Each year she got one of those little brass ornaments at Walmart and had their name and the year engraved on it for each one. She passed away 3 years ago so I get them for the kids now. They really cherish those ornaments and they always go on their trees first.
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My mom did a similar thing. She bought my brother and I each an ornament every year when we were growing up. When we grew up and moved out, we each had our own set of ornaments to take with us. I carry the tradition on by doing the same for my kids, but I buy ornaments related to what happened in their life the past year.....like mickey mouse ears the year we went to Disney.....or a miniature cheerleader the year my DD made it in Jr. High.
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My mom did a similar thing. She bought my brother and I each an ornament every year when we were growing up. When we grew up and moved out, we each had our own set of ornaments to take with us. I carry the tradition on by doing the same for my kids, but I buy ornaments related to what happened in their life the past year.....like mickey mouse ears the year we went to Disney.....or a miniature cheerleader the year my DD made it in Jr. High.

I am doing this for my kids also. When they were little I would buy strictly Disney but now that 2 are old enough to pick thier own I just let them decide. As far as the other 2 go I can still pick thiers. ;)

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My mil gave a book to each family that had a Christmas stories to read every night of December. Then she started buying popcorn tins or hot chocolate.. something of a treat for when they read a story. It started to be a Dec. 1st gift. I am carrying on that for my SD and my children sinc ethey grew up with it.. except for a couple of years I am going to get fisher price little people Christmas sets like the nativity, sleigh & reindeer and such for the new little ones to have decorations they can play with. Then they book and treats.
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My mother also gave each of us an ornament each year- still does in fact. I continued doing this with my children , as well. I love looking at all of my old ornaments with the kids. The always look for the year written on it and ask me how old I was then..lol. I buy the kids whatever I really like each year and sometimes they get to pick.
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Oh, I almost forgot, one year my mil got a "combined" ornament for my son and his girlfriend.

Yep, you guessed it---now have one ornament with one of the names scratched out:yup:

My son laughs about it and just hangs it up anyway! So make sure everyone gets "their own" ornament.

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Each year I get my kids and dh new pj's. they always want to open presents on christmas eve (I make them wait until Christmas morning) so I let them open 2, the pj's so they can wear them that night and have them on for Christmas morning pictures then they get to pick one to open. Not as sentimental as everyone elses but I enjoy it. ;)
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I have none that were passed down, But we have our own, My children each buy an ornament each year that goes on the tree. They each get new Santa PJ that they wear to bed, We put out a special key for Santa, We have an Italian Meatless Christmas eve dinner ( that I got from my mom and Dad) Day after Thanksgiving till Christmas day no music in the house unless it is Christmas Music


Thats about it,

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We open all of our gifts from each other on Christmas Eve while watching Christmas movies, then they get their "Santa" gifts on Christmas morning. We have several traditions that I make sure get passed down to my kids. Tradition and family are very important to me and I want the kids to have these traditions to pass on to their families.
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