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What is your craziest black Friday experince?


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Fun thread: What is your craziest black Friday experince?


Last year I went to office max 2 hrs early and they put all the "quality" free stuff in the middle of 1 isle. The isle could only hold 50 people but after about 1 minute we had ~200 people in the isle and 200-300 people pushing to get in from both ends. I was smashed up agaist a wall, it was kind of funny but people were panicing. I think we were all try to get a thumb drive and dvd burners. It took about 10 minutes so many people were trying to enter the isle. undefined:) :)

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They had the stuff people wanted in 1 isle, the year before they put it on a table. They change it around I guess every year. Have fun office max has more free stuff than most but in Oregon its crazy becuase all the tech guys want that stuff. Lot of tech workers up here.
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