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Holding a place in line


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But are they going to go down the line to each other person that's now in line to say "OH by the way, I'm saving a spot for someone so you're really not # 10 & 11 you're actually #11 & 12" and so on to each person who gets in line? Then there's only 10 laptops or whatever the huge doorbuster is at that store.

It's just that if it's ok for a person to hold a spot for 1 friend, then everyone should get that too and like I said in my last post, if you're #9 or #10 you should probably just about double that number and now you're pretty much out of getting whatever doorbuster you may be there for. So I don't even think it's ok for "just one". It's just not the right thing to do. I feel you're either there or you're not.


If you just have to wait in line with someone that doesn't get there on time then when they do arrive just go to the back of the line with them.


** When I typed "you" in mean it to be a general "you". I'm not trying to attack the OP for asking the question or any one for their replies! ;)

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in a previous post it was made clear that the intention is to join her son and buy two cameras.


this is the kind of thing that should not be tollerated.


most of the time I'm not interested in going to the major stores simply to avoid these people entirely. i can't recall an opening at staples where people rushed the door, or the cops showed up. but i can certainly recall that at compusa, bestbuy and the other major places. i've never gone to walmart on BF, i don't shop there normally either. the only thing that would bring me out to these places again is a must have super deal and i'm not seeing it so far this year.

No I believe you miss understood, Target had no limits and no tickets and he was get two a long., I joined him when I was done where I was,as I had been in line at walmart since 1:00am. It had nothing to do with line jumping or holding, he was getting two. As it was he didnt get any and my daughter got the two I needed as he was being crushed into the door, in order to help the employee who was being hurt. You know people do alot of crazy things but I will not allow my children to get hurt no matter how old they are. Best buy may be different and I don't know as I have never stayed in line there and as of right now may not. He is a year older and a year wiser but this is not a do or die thing in my book. If I wanted to get what I wanted trust me I have enough people to do the standing in several lines and have never missed getting what I was after.

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If I wanted to get what I wanted trust me I have enough people to do the standing in several lines and have never missed getting what I was after.

An employee tried to tell me I could not go to him, and I am sorry but I was going to get to my son, Still only wanting the 2 camares. When I did get to him right as the door opened, these wonderful people had tried to run the door, and knock over the employee opening the door


i'm just saying you clearly did cut in line.

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You can have all the line ettiquette in the world, but if the store doesn't help out, what good is it?

this is true. in Illinoismom's story the employee was knocked over. :(


i'm wondering where things fail, do they just not believe the potential for dissaster? they should have BF training videos for employess. :)

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Last year I was 4th in line and this lady started her own line on the other side, Ten the security guard came out and kicked them out and they had to go all the way to the end. Then this guy came in front and told me that he needs to return something but all he wanted was to cut infront.
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this is true. in Illinoismom's story the employee was knocked over. :(


i'm wondering where things fail, do they just not believe the potential for dissaster? they should have BF training videos for employess. :)

I think putting it on employees to be better educated is a small part of the solution, the greater part is people showing common sense and respect for others, and that would go a long way towards solving petty disputes like this. :yup:

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i'm just saying you clearly did cut in line.

No I didn't I never made it into the store other then to pay for the items my daughter got because I stayed with my son, I didnt take away from any one, and I got the two cameras that he was intended to get being 6th in line. I bought nothing else and was in that store other then 5 minutes


Now if I would have gotten two and he gotten two and my daughter got to then I would agree I cut the line, But I only got the two he was going to get as there was no limited on how many and trust me there were people getting 6-10 of them.

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If my son sits out side in the cold to wait on an item and then I come before, you better believe that I will get what he sat in line for and he will get what he wants too. Now mind you have never done this but he is a lot younger then I and I do nto think I can stand in the cold that long.

Nope, not fair. If someone doesn't "think they can stand out in the cold that long", they should stay home. :confused:

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No I didn't I never made it into the store other then to pay for the items my daughter got because I stayed with my son, I didnt take away from any one, and I got the two cameras that he was intended to get being 6th in line. I bought nothing else and was in that store other then 5 minutes


Now if I would have gotten two and he gotten two and my daughter got to then I would agree I cut the line, But I only got the two he was going to get as there was no limited on how many and trust me there were people getting 6-10 of them.

But "your son" wasn't the one to get it either, your daughter was and she cut as well, because from what I think I remember reading he was the only one standing in that line between the three of you. And since he was the one in line and if he couldn't get it then you shouldn't have got them at all. If I'm not understanding the story right then I apologize!! I just think it was wrong and hope the people I run into this BF don't do the same. Just my opinion of course so please don't take offense! ;)

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But "your son" wasn't the one to get it either, your daughter was and she cut as well, because from what I think I remember reading he was the only one standing in that line between the three of you. And since he was the one in line and if he couldn't get it then you shouldn't have got them at all. If I'm not understanding the story right then I apologize!! I just think it was wrong and hope the people I run into this BF don't do the same. Just my opinion of course so please don't take offense! ;)


No he was 5th in line and was being crushed, as he was helping the employee, My daighter went to get what he was in line for nothing more nothing less. I will just tell him next time don't do what I taught you,and stop and help some one because then you wont get what you needed and if we meet you there we will be line jumping which was not the case. We all went to three different stores that morning, My daughter and I walmart, my son Target my Husband Menards, We just got done at Walmart before Target opened, other wise your right he may not have gotten anything. Because he thought a life and not being hurt was more important, The people in line didnt seem to care that they were hurting the employee next time he wont either

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** When I typed "you" in mean it to be a general "you". I'm not trying to attack the OP for asking the question or any one for their replies! ;)

:fluffy: I didn't take it that way. Like I mentioned, I've never been one of the first (insert number) in the store. I usually get in line like 3:30 am, and the line is wrapped around by then. If I have to be there by 8:00pm on Turkey day to get one of 50 doorbusters, then I'll have to pass.


I appreciate all the input. I have definitely been irked in the past by people cutting at the last minute when they open the door. I can see how it would be unfair. Though, the person who would be joining me would not be getting the doorbuster too.


thanks for all the replies :yup:

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OK WoW I think you're really taking this waaay to the extreme. That's not what I said or anyone else said. But if you were so worried about him from the start so maybe at 15 he was too young to be going alone in the first place. Like I said I wasn't trying to attack you personally, it just seemed like since you weren't the one that "technically" picked up the items it was ok for your daughter. I just stated your daughter cut in line with you. Sorry if you feel like we're being mean but it's only our opinions.
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OK WoW I think you're really taking this waaay to the extreme. That's not what I said or anyone else said. But if you were so worried about him from the start so maybe at 15 he was too young to be going alone in the first place. Like I said I wasn't trying to attack you personally, it just seemed like since you weren't the one that "technically" picked up the items it was ok for your daughter. I just stated your daughter cut in line with you. Sorry if you feel like we're being mean but it's only our opinions.

No I was fine with the posting, It's just been a long day and I am fine and didnt take anything personal at all

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As a newbie to this forum and not one to brave the stores for the great early bird buys. I have really enjoyed and gained a lot of knowledge from this discussion. The experience of Illinoismom from last year and others opinions and input has been enlightening. I think I might be able to try this one day. Thank you for sharing so many different outlooks on this wonderful GottaDeal tradition of Black Friday.
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No I was fine with the posting, It's just been a long day and I am fine and didnt take anything personal at all

;) I'm glad you didn't take it personally! I didn't mean to go on the attack and hope it didn't come off like that. Maybe we're all stressed about waiting for those Ads to come out! lol :tongue1:

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As a newbie to this forum and not one to brave the stores for the great early bird buys. I have really enjoyed and gained a lot of knowledge from this discussion. The experience of Illinoismom from last year and others opinions and input has been enlightening. I think I might be able to try this one day. Thank you for sharing so many different outlooks on this wonderful GottaDeal tradition of Black Friday.

You are very Welcome! The Big Thanks go to Ross,Mrs. Honeybee & Brad for their hard work all year round! I don't know how they do it. :yup: Oh and Thanks to the Mods that help keep us in line ;)

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I am going to Best Buy. I am getting a ticket for a desktop. I am having my son go with me. I am the person in line. He will relieve me every once in a while. In Michigan, it could be 40 degrees or it could be -10 degrees. If it is very cold out, I plan to warm up a couple of times. At first I did not plan to have my son go in the store with me. But I see a few other things that I want to get also. He will not be getting any of the tickets. If it is not too cold out, then I will have him wait in line with me the whole time so that he can go in the store. If it is very very cold, I will switch off with him a few times to warm up, but then I won't have him go in the store since he will not be in line the whole time. This seems like a fair way to do it. At first I planned on having him grab the other stuff while I wait inside for my computer. But after reading all these posts, I don't think that would be fair unless he actually waited in line with me the whole time.
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OK, here is my perspective. Line holding is inevitable. I don't agree with it but some circumstanced do require line holding (kid gets sick, or friend is a single mother, etc). I agree with the comments that last minute arrivals are annoying and not right, but if you hold a space, my general rule is that they must be there at least 2 hours prior to opening (thanks BBY for making it 3 hours since ticket disti is 1 hour pre-melee).


To be honest, it's only another year or so before they are forced to do what they do for concerts (the dreaded random number distribution). Remember people this is the holidays and is all that anger and hate worth the extra $150 off a PC. I'm voting for random number distribution as much as I hate it. Because in reality, the person who really needs the $379 notebook is the one that can't afford to miss work, hire a babysitter and stay all night outside a BBY or WMT.


Flame away.

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I would be very upset if someone in front of me held the line for someone that wasn't even there. Bathroom breaks, fine. Go get snacks or drinks, fine. But if someone gets there AFTER other people are in line they need to go to the end of the line.
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That actually happened to some friends of mine last year. They stood in line would have gotten the laptop but at the last hour a bunch of people got in front of them with people who saving them a spot in line.

That happened to me to - there was a group at the front of the line, and when I got there, I could have gotten a laptop. But I didn't becuase the group grew. One of the people ahead of me complained to the manager, and they didn't give them all tickets, but it was impossible to tell who was there first and who wasn't, and so the last one went to the guy ahead of me.

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In my opinion if you are a line saver then you are helping people cut in line. If you don't want to get your butt out in line then the people who do get priority. I speak from the point of view that I am NOT:no:going to wait out in the cold for hours for something. And I would NEVER ask someone to hold a place for me. In all blutness, that's crap. :gdkissass: to all the line cutters!!!
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That happened to me to - there was a group at the front of the line, and when I got there, I could have gotten a laptop. But I didn't becuase the group grew. One of the people ahead of me complained to the manager, and they didn't give them all tickets, but it was impossible to tell who was there first and who wasn't, and so the last one went to the guy ahead of me.


Onyx- Maybe you could've slipped in front of them! lol I can't stand people that feel they are somehow entitled to it more (or just entitled in life generally) than anyone else standing out there.


Yep even if just each person is "holding a place" for one other person it could make a big difference weather you get what you've been standing out in the freezing cold for hours to get...or not. That's why I don't think it's right even if someone says Oh it's only one. What if the One brings a friend that decided to come last minute? Now do they all get to cut or just the one? I guess to each his/her own but I won't do it, I just don't think it's the right thing to do.

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Onyx- Maybe you could've slipped in front of them! lol I can't stand people that feel they are somehow entitled to it more (or just entitled in life generally) than anyone else standing out there.

Haha I thought about that, but the problem was everyone was staying in line, so it would have looked like I was just trying overall to cut :D

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The only time we hold places is if we have a bathroom run, food run or if its really cold maybe 30 minutes to warm up in the car. But its just me and DH . I never hold places for other people ( of course I am in a city I only know my mom at lol) But we have been known to hold places for people near us who had to go to the bathroom and they are there by them selves.. We are thinking tents this year with our personal DVD player and watch movies LOL
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Oh I have no problem with, bathroom break, getting coffee, taking something (like coffee cup or whatever) back to your car, warming up a bit, it's just the people that weren't there to begin with it the thing that gets me. And if you do go for coffee please don't come back with a few extr friends and expect they will be welcome to cut in line, I don't think so... to the back of the line they go.
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Oh I have no problem with, bathroom break, getting coffee, taking something (like coffee cup or whatever) back to your car, warming up a bit, it's just the people that weren't there to begin with it the thing that gets me. And if you do go for coffee please don't come back with a few extr friends and expect they will be welcome to cut in line, I don't think so... to the back of the line they go.

That's what i have been saying all along. Bathroom and snak breaks fine all others back of the line.

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