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Holding a place in line


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Suppose I am meeting a friend, and I get there first. Is it ok to hold a place in line? I've seen others do it, when parking the car. I've never been one of the "first 50" or whatever, but if I get in line, and let it be known to the next person that there is another coming, is it okay to hold a place in line?
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Only if you want to ok that with EVERY person who gets in line behind you. It's ok to swap out but I'd be kinda mad if there were 15 laptops, I was number 15, but because someone was holding a spot in line I didn't get my laptop, KWIM? :)

That actually happened to some friends of mine last year. They stood in line would have gotten the laptop but at the last hour a bunch of people got in front of them with people who saving them a spot in line.

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That's why i'm thinking about handing out #'s so if there is a late one with in a 30min. time slot. I think its o.k. After that i belive they should be at the back of the line. Same goes for bathroom breaks and food runs. imo Not back in 30 min. lose your place.
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Suppose I am meeting a friend, and I get there first. Is it ok to hold a place in line? I've seen others do it, when parking the car. I've never been one of the "first 50" or whatever, but if I get in line, and let it be known to the next person that there is another coming, is it okay to hold a place in line?

NO thats NOT fair.The object of this is first come first serve.If i've been waiting for hours ill be darn if ill let someone else get in front of me.On a normal day in a normal store sure ill let ppl go first but when it comes to something like this NEVER.I waited 19 hours for my ps3.If some had tried to be like oh i was holding my friends place i would of stuck out my hand and shook my new best friends hand becasue no one was getting i front of me.And thats just that.

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NO thats NOT fair.The object of this is first come first serve.If i've been waiting for hours ill be darn if ill let someone else get in front of me.On a normal day in a normal store sure ill let ppl go first but when it comes to something like this NEVER.I waited 19 hours for my ps3.If some had tried to be like oh i was holding my friends place i would of stuck out my hand and shook my new best friends hand becasue no one was getting i front of me.And thats just that.

O.K. on this note the 1/2 hour rule is out except the bathroom and food breaks.

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If my son sits out side in the cold to wait on an item and then I come before, you better believe that I will get what he sat in line for and he will get what he wants too. Now mind you have never done this but he is a lot younger then I and I do nto think I can stand in the cold that long.
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If my son sits out side in the cold to wait on an item and then I come before, you better believe that I will get what he sat in line for and he will get what he wants too. Now mind you have never done this but he is a lot younger then I and I do nto think I can stand in the cold that long.

Yea but when you show up are you going to get in line with him and buy 2 or just take his place?

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Yea but when you show up are you going to get in line with him and buy 2 or just take his place?


Don't know have never done best buy, I have always done Walmart and I stay in the line and have runners get everything else, they also get for others that are in line around me, so they don't miss out.

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Guest ladakn99

here is my call on it....


if the majority of people, ie me and 3 friends are holding a spot for friend #5 then i think it's okay, as long as you inform the people behind you who are planning on getting what you are, ie: 15 laptops per store, inform 12 people in front and behind you. that way, no one is misunderstood, and your with a crew when you have to take someone on,


and they will be intimidated...

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here is my call on it....


if the majority of people, ie me and 3 friends are holding a spot for friend #5 then i think it's okay, as long as you inform the people behind you who are planning on getting what you are, ie: 15 laptops per store, inform 12 people in front and behind you. that way, no one is misunderstood, and your with a crew when you have to take someone on,


and they will be intimidated...

Your talking about 1 person and how long will it take them to get there? What has happen in the past....1 person is sitting in line then 1 hour before the doors open a BUS load 30 or more jump out and get in line where the 1 person is at. So is that fair? You have waited for 8+ hours then 30 or more get in line in front of you only doing 1 hour in line. I have no problems with in a 30min. time slot from the next person that shows up (IE. you get at BB at 7:30P.M. next person comes at 7:45 your friend needs to be there IN line by 8:15 or goes to the back of the line!!!) or trading places as long as 1 person steps out.

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Exactly. How fair is it that I got my butt up and out only to have someone come walking up and jumping in line? I don't think it's right for 1 person or 10. Like Happy said if everyone did this and you were say the 10th person in line you'd now be back to about 20th.

You want your spot in line get up, get your butt out of the house and stand out in the bitter cold (at least up here) like everyone else. With the 30 min thing so if someones late by a minute or two it would then make it wrong for the person to cut? :confused:





Look at it this way. Would it be ok for everyone to hold a place for 1 other person. Would you be mad if you lost out on something because of holding a place. I would be.


I think the best thing would be to meet at a place and go together, or meet up inside the store after it opens.

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If my son sits out side in the cold to wait on an item and then I come before, you better believe that I will get what he sat in line for and he will get what he wants too. Now mind you have never done this but he is a lot younger then I and I do nto think I can stand in the cold that long.

If you want to trade places with him yes thats fine.But you cant get in line and expect to get one and him to.Thats nt fair.

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IF you are going to do this I would suggest that you do this VERY early Ie Your friends arrive at 1230 and you get there at 1 so then you ALL are like the 2nd or 3rd people there ( timing depending on your area)and you have a smaller more amicable crowed that is there before you and likley won't care. HOWEVER holding a place in line for a freiend that shows up at 330 or for for a 5 AM opening??? NOT COOL
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I agree, but there's only so much you can do. It always happens that someone is saving spots for people. But expecially last year witht he laptops, it got heated. I didn't start it, but this lady behind me was about to fight when three people joined a person a couple spots in front of me and then they all god tickets. :gdparanoid: The worst thing that happened that morning, which made me really mad was that when the store owners opened the doors, they didn't hold off the people who had been sitting in their cars the whole time or just pulled up. The people who had been waiting for hours ended up going after the ones who walked up becasue they opened all the doors at once and we were sectioned off with ropes so we could only go through one door. People were HOT!!!! :gdcensored: If that happens again, I may resort to violence. :gdangry4::fryingpan:chairshot Ok, probably not, but I'll be mad. :gdyelling::wife:
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What me and my mom do is go together and get in line early then when the cold starts really getting to us we will take turns to go to the car for about 10 minutes each to warm up.Only one of us go at a time and one person is in line. At that point we already have been there for quite a while and talking with the people around us so they know we were both in line from the beginning. We only take a warm up break once or twice during the whole wait depending on how cold it is.
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If your holding somebody's place in line in front of me, your going to regret it. If you even think about letting anybody in line in front of me, i'll call security or an employee immediately and have you removed from the line. :mad: And what the heck do you need to go to your car for to warm up anyways. If you can't take the cold, then why the heck are you there.
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Honestly, nothing is worse when someone is infront of you and you think you are a certain number in line. THEN, you see a group of maybe 2-4 people coming and getting in line. Personally, I get annoyed at line savers. Not fair to those who have been in line for hours on end to get the deal.


Now if I were you, I would let the people behind you know that you are saving a place in line for someone. If its only one person, thats not too bad, but more than one just isn't fair to the others in line, Especially if they are getting a hot item.

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Yea but when you show up are you going to get in line with him and buy 2 or just take his place?

in a previous post it was made clear that the intention is to join her son and buy two cameras.


this is the kind of thing that should not be tollerated.


most of the time I'm not interested in going to the major stores simply to avoid these people entirely. i can't recall an opening at staples where people rushed the door, or the cops showed up. but i can certainly recall that at compusa, bestbuy and the other major places. i've never gone to walmart on BF, i don't shop there normally either. the only thing that would bring me out to these places again is a must have super deal and i'm not seeing it so far this year.

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