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Westinghouse 22" LCD Widescreen Monitor


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I'm trying to talk hubby into the 19" lcd monitor for $129. But he says there's nothing wrong with the 19" we have now. So I doubt if I will get one yet. :(

Is your current 19" monitor a CRT?


An LCD is brighter, more vivid, uses less electricity and uses less desk space.

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Westinghouse makes good monitors! This is a great case of the "little guy" competing with big business (I know they aren't little, but relatively new to monitors).


everything Ross said plus they have lower response times than their 'insert favorite brand' counterparts.

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I agree with daz. I've only owned one Westinghouse TV and I've had no problems with it. As a matter of fact I bought it exactly one year ago TODAY. It was a 32" LCD HDTV without HD tuner. I sold it a few months ago, something I later regretted. Of course the upside is I can buy a newer TV :)


Sharp, Samsung and Toshiba all have better PQ (picture quality) but at almost 1.5-2x the price, no thanks!

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Could someone PLEASE explain the differences in the tv's to me.My gosh LCD, HDTV, tv this, tv that.I just want a cheap tv bigger than 19 but nt bigger than 24.What do i get???Its just for my sons room.

Electronically confused!!!

What is he going to be using the TV for? How old is your son? If it is for a game system what kind. HDTV (High Definition TV) is basically a higher resolution TV. If your son has a XBOX 360 or is going to get a Nintendo Wii or a Playstation 3 I would get a HDTV. An LCD TV is going to be only a few inches deep and can be hung on a wall. If you are looking for a cheap TV you can easily find a 19-24 inch non High TV you can easily get one for less that $100. A High Definition LCD will be $200 or more






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Thanks Adam for that insight.Hes 10 and yes getting a wii but i wasnt looking for million dollar results.He has a 19 inch and well it just sucks.(LOL).It small.SO i just wanted a bigger tv without going broke.I was looking to spend around like $120.00 but with all this talk about blue ray dvds and stuff i dont want his tv to be worhtless in a few years.
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Thanks Adam for that insight.Hes 10 and yes getting a wii but i wasnt looking for million dollar results.He has a 19 inch and well it just sucks.(LOL).It small.SO i just wanted a bigger tv without going broke.I was looking to spend around like $120.00 but with all this talk about blue ray dvds and stuff i dont want his tv to be worhtless in a few years.

Best Buy has a 19" Westinghouse LCD HDTV for 199.99. I would recommend going to best buy and just looking at the TVs. A picture is worth a thousand words and you will learn more in five minutes than you will reading online for an hour. To get an idea of the difference between gaming on on a HDTV and a regular TV. Look at the XBOX 360 kiosk and a XBOX Kiosk. Then keep an eye on the ads there might be a better deal.

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I was looking for monitor. $199.99 for a 22" Widescreen!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo.


Yes, yes, yes!!! I'm a big time gamer and I've been waiting for a big lcd to hit the market that didn't cost an arm and a leg. Guess I'll be in line now............:cheesy:

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Is your current 19" monitor a CRT?


An LCD is brighter, more vivid, uses less electricity and uses less desk space.

And therefore throws less heat! http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/Marcster2005/Smileys/95perl.gif

My home office became much more comfortable in the Summer when we switched to LCDs.

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Is your current 19" monitor a CRT?


An LCD is brighter, more vivid, uses less electricity and uses less desk space.

Yes it's a CRT and takes up a ton of desk space. We also use a computer armoire so it's not like there's alot of space to start with..lol


Thanks! I'll use this info to help talk him into it. LOL

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Yes it's a CRT and takes up a ton of desk space. We also use a computer armoire so it's not like there's alot of space to start with..lol


Thanks! I'll use this info to help talk him into it. LOL

Well, LCD's aren't necessarily more bright and CRT's are more color accurate (or at can be made to be) than most LCDs. CRT's also don't highlight decompression artifacts as much as LCD's (e.g. you don't see the blocks and jaggies as easily on compressed video streams like cable/satellite or computer movie files). I personally still have a CRT on my desk (though all the other computers in the house have LCD's), of course it's a beautiful Sony 24" that I run at 2048x1536, you'd have to pry it from my cold dead hands ;)


You could consider the $260 27" CRT that they will be selling. I can't quite make out the manuf and model# though so I can't testify to it's quality. Though I do know that you won't find any LCD at that size for that price and chances are very good that the picture quality for gaming and videos will actually be superiour to most LCD's of that size. Of course yes, it'll be bigger, heavier, and suck more juice, so you just have to decide what parameters are most important to you.


But CRT ranting aside, since it's going to be used for video games, be sure that any LCD you purchase has fast enough response time. This is basically the amount of time it takes for any given pixel on the screen to change from one color to another. The most obvious side effect is that you will see "ghosting" on scenes where there are things moving quickly (such as many/most video games :). Unfortunately as much as I'd love to say "get one that has 16ms or less", I'm a big proponent of "you never know from manufacturers specs so the only way to truly know is to take a look at it to be sure". Ask the sales guy to put on a movie that has a lot of action or turn to a channel with a football or hockey game. If you can't see it locally, check online for reviews, etc. Luckily, most modern LCD's don't have a big problem with that these days, but since some of these door buster specials are low-end, it's probably good to check to be safe. Paying big bucks for a modern gaming console only to have the picture quality compromised by a cheap slow responding LCD sucks big time

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Does anyone have this monitor and have any suggestions for picture/color settings using the Component inputs? I got one at BB and have it hooked up to my HD cable box via component. Haven't quite gotten the color settings right yet.
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