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Best Buy - Milwaukee area


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I will probably be going again this year. I was just seeing who all in the Milwaukee area will be doing this and at what stores. Maybe we can 'team' up and make sure no one skips in line.


Last year I got two of the $149 desktops, a video card, and a bunch of dvds. I got home at 7am, slept, woke up at 12pm and went to work. :cheesy:

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I went to Best Buy on Brown Deer two different years and was about the 30th person in line and stood out there for like 2hours and still did not get what I wanted. I heard rumors of the employees there handing out the tickets to their friends and other store employees even if they were closer to the end of the line so I stopped going there.
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76th street Best Buy is always orderly, and fun. The people out there are great 2 talk 2. Unfortunalty last year I didnt need any technology items at Best Buy (Damn IPOD). I was at Menards at 4AM waiting for them to open.


76th is the one 2 go 2. Even the employees have fun and are smiles before they open.

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Anyone here from Milwaukee care to comment on what the lines were like last year? Were they as outrageous as some of the BBs seem to be in other cities? Is it going to be necessary to line up at 10pm? 12am? Please tell me 'no' :-)


And do the different locations make a difference? Would Greenfield be less busy than Fox Point or Brookfield, for example? (Any comments about Circuit City would be helpful too...)

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Anyone here from Milwaukee care to comment on what the lines were like last year? Were they as outrageous as some of the BBs seem to be in other cities? Is it going to be necessary to line up at 10pm? 12am? Please tell me 'no' :-)


And do the different locations make a difference? Would Greenfield be less busy than Fox Point or Brookfield, for example? (Any comments about Circuit City would be helpful too...)

Welcome to the community! If you are going to get a door buster item I would get into line between 7pm and 9pm local time.


There is a thread already going about what time to get into line here: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=50978


This should help you if you have other questions.


Good Luck!

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I didnt go to Best Buy last year, but when I drove by at 4AM the line was already all the way to TGI Fridays along the fence line.


Ususally when I wanted a doorbuster that was that wasnt a tv or computer or digital camera, I would get there 2-4hrs before the store opened. Tvs and such I would say the earliest you can get there the better.


Also Circuit City across the street has the tiniest line until an hour before they open. 2hrs before CC opened up the line would be like 2 people, then when they would open it would be like 30. Last year again different story due to the cheap laptops.


Hope this helps.


Also weather is a BIG factor. If its freezing cold you can go a little later. If its nice like this weekend is supposed to be early is the key.


I will be there probably around 3:30 or 4 since Im only picking up dvds.


Good Luck on your purchase.

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