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charity gift trees


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I certainly understand that people sometimes take advantage... We all know the stories. Just remember, it's those who misappropriate your gift, who will pay in the long run.

I've been a foster parent for over ten years. Each year at Christmas we are asked to send in 10 items (all of which should be under $25.00)for the Angel Tree. Also clothing and shoes sizes. It's wonderful to see these foster children have a Blessed Christmas. "Many" have never had the types of Christmas' we are all used to. I had one four yr old boy who thought a B-day cake was the greatest thing in the world. (Just because it was especially for him) I wish each of you could have seen his face when we brought out his Birthday gifts. It brought tears to our eyes to see him so happy! That same joy is found on the faces of these children on Christmas morning!

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I usually pick "angels" off of trees that have elderly people on them. Everyone wants to buy toys for little kids, but older people may not have a family to spend time with on Christmas. Usually their requests are very reasonable. Last year, I had 3, and got them a blender, toaster, and curling iron. Sometimes they will ask for perfume or slippers. My mom used to work in a nursing home, and I always thought it was so sad that some residents would sit around by themselves on holidays.
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I usually pick "angels" off of trees that have elderly people on them. Everyone wants to buy toys for little kids, but older people may not have a family to spend time with on Christmas. Usually their requests are very reasonable. Last year, I had 3, and got them a blender, toaster, and curling iron. Sometimes they will ask for perfume or slippers. My mom used to work in a nursing home, and I always thought it was so sad that some residents would sit around by themselves on holidays.

That's a great thing you do. Our church always goes and sings at the nursing home every year and we make up gift bags for each patient and pass them out when we are finished. We give them apples, oranges, banannas and socks every year. And they are so happy to receive these gifts every year.


And your right it's so sad to see them so lonesome and never having visitors. They get so excited to see us every year. We even continue to visit them thru out the year also not just at Christmas.

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My work does something too and we are getting my eam together to "adopt" a family- I figure with ateam our size ( aprrox 30 people) we should be ab;e to do a very goos job with a whole amily- big gifts and all. hopefully I will get a heads up on the family so I can utilize black friday!!!:yup:
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I have learned that things are not always what they seem,

Every year the nurse at the school helps about 100 or so families with Thanksgiving and Christmas. She has a not for profit orginazation she runs every year, I help with the help of Toys for tots to get 1 toy per child, to go into these baskets of gifts she buys for the families. When she gave me the list of names of the children I was shock to see a family, I know this family has money and live in a nice house and all. So I questioned her about it as I am a firm believer that only those in need should recieve,


Well in June dad got hurt, he couldnt work and has had major medical problems., They have done everything they could do to keep above the water, and need just a little bit extra help. Dad just went back to work, and they are just starting to get back on their feet. So don't judge people by what they wear, drive or live because you never know when luck turns bad.

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Well in June dad got hurt, he couldnt work and has had major medical problems., They have done everything they could do to keep above the water, and need just a little bit extra help. Dad just went back to work, and they are just starting to get back on their feet. So don't judge people by what they wear, drive or live because you never know when luck turns bad.

you can surely say that again!

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I pick out the families and/or children that ask for items NEEDED - clothes, smaller toys, educational items, etc. If they ask for video games, that's usually a big no (though things like Leap Frog are worth the $$).


We usually adopt 3 or 4 kids/families each year. DH's work puts up trees in each dept. I also go to the tree at the mall or the local grocery store.

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