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Sales Tax break for S.C. shoppers on Black Friday


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Here is what sucks about where I live-


Greenville County:

Population: 407,000

Number of Best Buys: 1


Anderson County:

Population: somewhere over 100,000

Number of Best Buys: 1


What's wrong with that picture. It's pretty obvious which Best Buy is going to be more crowded. The sad part is that Greenville has 2 Circuit City's and 5-10 Walmarts, but only 1 Best Buy. I wonder why that is? I sure hope they build a new Best Buy soon here, because it is definitely needed. This is why i'm either going to Walmart or the Best Buy in Anderson this year, depending on which one has the best sales. Most likely Walmart will though, because they have that price match guarantee thing.


My Dad and his Girlfriend live in Anderson and are frequent shoppers of Best Buy but not to worry they dont do BF so you can scratch 2 off that number:D I went shopping there oer the summer when I was visiting wish I could get up there for BF with no sales tax :no:

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You could try going to the Best Buy in Spartanburg. I am also in Greenville and am planning on going to Best Buy no matter what. I am thinking about the $479 LCD and a $129 LCD monitor so maybe we could jooin forces if there is something else either one of us wants. Let me know...
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I would Def bring that up to the attention of the school board and demand some action, thats just not cool at all.

We have a tax-free weekend before school starts on school supplies, computer items, & clothes.


The only things is, some of the schools do not send out their "this is what your kid needs this year for school" lists until after the tax-free weekend :(

When the back to school stuff comes out both the Target and Walmart in town have a file box in the department that has folders for each grade in each school in the district for shoppers to grab a copy of the list(s) they need.

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Thanks for that bit of info. I'll have to let my niece know, she just moved to Columbia and will be alone for BF :(


I am a 23 y/o female in Aiken, SC, but will be in Columbia (Lexington County) for the Thanksgiving weekend visitng my parents. I will also be solo shopping on BF and wanted to know if your niece may like to meet up since I to, do not have anyone to go with?

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I live in Union. My sister an cousin an I went to best buy last year in Spartanburg

be prepared...somone bought there winnibago an sat out there chairs an there was a lot of them. we had a deceint place in line but left an went to wal mart i wanted the laptop.

good luck !! ill be hitting the wal mart on the other side of town. the wal mart i got my lap top from some one stole one we had to wait till they got it back the place was packed some lady got pushed into a buggy. i was told the other wal mart was nothing compared to that one. so im going there.

have fun

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I live in Columbia, SC and last year Best Buy and Wal-Mart were mad houses. Since this is a Brand new Tax Free weekend thing, I am sure its going to be double the choas. :eyepoppin


I am planning on going to CC, Best Buy, Wal-Mart and Target ONLINE. I am not really interested in anything as in Door busters, but all things might change if Wal-Mart comes out with something good with their new ad.


Tax Free this was an awesome IDEA:woot2:

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