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Monopoly game starts Oct. 3...


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Good to hear it's back. I remember last year tons of people redeemed hundreds in Best Buy monopoly game bucks for the laptops and computers and such on BF. But 'ya gotta eat tons of those large sized value meals to get that much. Man, if it wasn't for my ulcers and all those stomach problems. :(


Just remember, some BB stores put a limit on how many you can redeem at a time. Check the rules for this year.


BTW ... Everyone remember the winning ticket pattern for Mickey-D's monopoly game board (like the one rare ticket you hunt for to complete each colored monopoly)? I figured it out years ago and it's been around the net many times. They've used the same pattern since te game's conception years ago.

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I'll probably send for tons of mail-in game pieces this year. I could never eat that much in chicken strips and large fries. :no:


Those of y'all who sent in for mail-in game pieces last year, I assume 'ya just need boxes of two different sized envelopes (one small sized S.A.S.E. sent in a larger one mailed to the address on the rules) and enough stamps. That's standard 39-cent postage, right? Any specific advice 'ya might have? This'll be my first year tryin' anything like this. :confused:

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So for rules and any/all questions we can go to that 'other' thread. Let's keep this thread open to discuss using 'em on BF, eh?


Back on the BF forum topic, how many of y'all are planning on using the BBB on BF and how you plannin' on getting 'em?


And don't forget to read those rules first, people. It specifically says what you can and can't use the BBB on. And alot of BB stores might flat out tell 'ya you can't use 'em on a sale item.

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