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What time do you get started?


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Last year I just pulled an all-nighter.


Comp-USA started at midnight so I went there, and then went straight to Walmart & Circuit City (conviniently next to each other) and was there for about 1am, and stayed there till they opened. 1st in line at Walmart and 5th or 6th at CC.


Gonna do the same again this year!

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Last year I was up at 3am and left at 4am to go to Wal Mart. (I was probably around 15-20th person in line)


It will depend on who has what when I decide when I'm leaving this year. If I want a hot hot ticket item I'll leave early, if not, I'll leave at 4 again.




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Last year, we left at 2am, and were the only people in the parking lot at Walmart (before we had a supercenter). Finally another car pulled in at 3:30am and then we ran to the door :blush: We were first in line...2 entrances, so I took one and hubby took the other. Then we met up about 15 minutes after the doors open just to find out that we each had a laptop slip (they gave out slips for it instead). We didn't get 2 of them though - we gave a slip away to a girl that was standing behind us actually. She was there specifically for the laptop and didn't get it as she was pushed out the way. So we saw here again and handed it to her. Didn't know her, but she hugged us and literally was crying from joy :)
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Got started at 11pm last year at walmart for the laptops. We were 3 and 4. People started arriving about 3 or so and did rush the line when they started handing them out. We had 2 large security guys around them and 1 person handing them out. they had done announced they were all claimed but people rushed in and tried to jerk them out of others hands. It was outrageous. Me and my son are both small but managed to hand on to ours. We will go out again at 11pm maybe earlier according to ads and which item is a must have. I will go as early as needed if it is something I MUST have for the kids or my grandbaby. I am getting so excited. I love the thrill of the hunt. It is my favorite day of the year.
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If you do Best Buy I would get there early. This year will be 3pm on Thursday

I could never camp out like this. Specially where I live cause most years it is cold. Now if I lived in a city where the temps are not so cold then maybe.


Since our Walmart has been a supercenter, we leave the house little after 4am. When our Walmart wasnt a supercenter, we would leave sometime between 3:30 & 4. I so hated those days of standing in line. It can be so cold here. Now it is nice that we can roam around the store. :)

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Last year, my sister wanted one of the laptops from BB, so I told her I'd go with her and we were there at 9:00pm on Thanksgiving. We were second in line. :eyepoppin Depending on the deals and what I'm trying to get I will camp out. :) Otherwise, I try to get there about an hour or so before whatever store I want to go to opens. :tired:
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I usually plan on getting at the store about an hour before opening, so usually 5am, but usually make it there by 5:30 or 6:00am. I am NOT:tired: a morning person. This year I mentioned to my sister that an outlet mall is opening at 12am, so maybe her and I will do that, then we can just get to the other stores on time for once.


I am just curious about all those that go at like 9, 10, 11pm on Thanksgiving, what do you do that whole time until the store opens? I don't know if I could do that, it's cold where I am.

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I am just curious about all those that go at like 9, 10, 11pm on Thanksgiving, what do you do that whole time until the store opens? I don't know if I could do that, it's cold where I am.

Read, watch DVDs on a laptop or mini DVD player, talk to the people around you, tell people who drive up at 2am and asking why you are there that the store will be giving out free porn at 5am, play cards, sleep, keep warm.

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Read, watch DVDs on a laptop or mini DVD player, talk to the people around you, tell people who drive up at 2am and asking why you are there that the store will be giving out free porn at 5am, play cards, sleep, keep warm.

Love the Free porn comment, toooo funny :yup:


I say those of you that do that are very dedicated. I am actually considering hitting an outlet mall at midnight and then heading to the other stores, so I actually make it there the time I want.

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